2 Messages


82 Points

Sunday, December 22nd, 2024 3:23 PM


A release date was added to our film but it's still in production and our request to change the release date to the future has been denied.

The film is "Unplugged" and up until recently we had an estimated release date of 2027. All of a sudden we see that a release date has been added of May 12, 2022 but none of the people on our team put that in and I can't find the history to figure out how it got added in the first place. The only thing I've seen is it was "Derived from earliest release of 2022-05-12 (US)" and I have no idea what that means. And because we don't yet have a firm release date, only an estimate/goal, that info can't be verified by IMDb. 



7.5K Messages


277K Points

27 days ago

spejampar: Have you tried submitting a "delete" for the release date of May 12, 2022?

If so, please post your last full data submission here on this message board. Please copy it from your submission history at https://contribute.imdb.com/updates/history/ since we would want to see the explanation you provided as well as any explanation from IMDb for the rejection.

Some of the regulars on the board may review it and, if they can, they may provide suggestions as to how to improve the submission to get the release date deleted. (Also, make sure to include the submission reference number -- it's an 18-digit number that will look something like 240123-123456-789000.)

2 Messages


82 Points

@gromit82​ Thanks for the suggestion. To be honest, we're still a bit new to adding/editing info in IMDb because it's not exactly user-friendly to many people so we didn't even think about just deleting it! I just made that request so we'll see what happens.