Hi wlcasting- If you are an IMDbPro Premium Subscription or an IMDbPro Basic Subscription member you can manage the display of your birthyear only. For further detailed information, you are welcome to review our following Help Guide: https://help.imdb.com/article/imdbpro/manage-your-imdb-page/how-do-i-remove-my-age-birthyear/GLLCGJ5Y38JHU9UJ?ref_=helpsect_pro_3_7#
--- However, please be advised that our aim is to be the most complete and reliable source of movie, TV, and entertainment information on the web. In order to continue offering our users an accurate and trustworthy service, it is our policy not to alter or delete any kind of correct/factual information from our records. --- Cheers!
I should have the right to not have my birthday listed. It is an invasion of my privacy. You claim to want to be accurate yet you have wrong info on episodes I have cast & I can't correct that either. I am furious I can not get rid of the birthday. Maybe if I take my page down & then re-do it I can leave that out? This is making me insane.
Hi @wlcasting, as mentioned above, the feature to manage the display of your birth year is available with an IMDbPro *Basic* Subscription as well as an IMDbPro Premium Subscription. Please consider the comparison guide for IMDbPro subscriptions via our Help guide: https://help.imdb.com/article/imdbpro/membership-benefits/which-imdbpro-subscription-is-right-for-me/GH39495X7KWY4PMP?ref_=helpms_helpart_inline# --- I hope this helps!
If you are committed to truth as the previous rep wrote, then it wouldn't be necessary to pay to take my birthday down. If I pay then truth doesn't matter as much?! Ridiculous
Hi @wlcasting, to be clear, an IMDbPro Basic Subscription is free. Please follow the guidance in this Help article: https://help.imdb.com/article/imdbpro/manage-your-imdb-page/how-do-i-remove-my-age-birthyear/GLLCGJ5Y38JHU9UJ#
I spent 2 hrs trying to set up basic pro acct. Computer keeps saying password invalid because maybe I had an account. Then I tried signing in with amazon. I CAN NOT HANDLE IT. I tried the link you sent & I don't know what I am doing wrong. I AM GOING CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CAN SOMEONE HELP ME?
I HAVE CHANGED PASSWORD....I don't know how to navigate this & am afraid my acct will disappear.
This is too much stress
Hi @wlcasting, sorry to hear you're having issues with your account. Please follow this link (https://help.imdb.com/contact?deepLink=sign_up&disableLoginPopup=true&ref_=helpms_ih_gi_login) and contact our Customer Service team who will be able help recover your account. Cheers!
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