2 Messages
80 Points
Claiming credits under my name
Hello all! I wanted to share my problem in case anyone has had this happen to them or can help. My name is Faith Bransford. I am having an issue where all of my credits have been added under a Faith Bransford (II) whereas I am Faith Bransford (I) and so is my page that I pay for. My page is currently empty with no credits and I am not sure how to claim these credits under the correct name, correct page. If anyone has any ideas, a response would be greatly appreciated. Best, Faith
Accepted Solution
7.5K Messages
277.1K Points
3 months ago
Faith: Here are the links to those two pages:
If everything on the (II) page is yours -- that is, the Costume Department credits on "Legacies" and On the Run are yours, and nobody else's credits or information are there -- and you are certain that the (I) page is the page you are paying for with IMDbPro -- then the solution is to do a Name Merge.
To do this, go to the (II) page at https://www.imdb.com/name/nm16079571/. Click "Edit page".
On the next screen, on the Name Merge line, select "Add merge". Scroll down and click "Continue".
On the next screen, there will be a blank line on which to enter your corrected name. Enter it as:
Bransford, Faith (I)
Un-check the box marked "Preserve previous name on existing credits. i.e. '(as Faith Bransford)'". It doesn't apply to this situation.
In the Explanation box, enter something like this: "I am Faith Bransford. My IMDbPro page is listed as Faith Bransford (I), but all of my credits are on the Faith Bransford (II) page. All of the data on both pages pertains to me, and so these two pages should be merged." Click "Check these updates".
On the next screen, you will get a warning that begins, "You are about to merge two separate name pages into one.
Are you sure you wish to merge this name page into the page for Bransford, Faith (I)? ..."
That's what you want, so check the box marked "Warning understood, go ahead anyway." Click "Re-check these updates".
On the next screen, your data should appear with a green background and you should be able to click "Submit these updates".
Allow a few days for the merge to be processed. Good luck!