4 Messages


100 Points

Thursday, October 31st, 2024 8:11 PM


Contribution approved but not appearing


I submitted a credit of mine and it has been listed as approved but it is not appearing on main page or on my profile. I submitted this 2.5 weeks ago so I'm pretty confident it's been while since it was approved. 


Would appreciate any help on this! 




2K Messages


20K Points

3 months ago

Hi @igotts,

Thank you for your problem report.

This credit was reported as inaccurate, and therefore removed from the database. Please see our Help guide for more information as to why your credit might've been removed.


4 Messages


100 Points

Hi Ozzy,

Thanks for your quick response! I read the help guide... this credit of mine is not an on-screen credit - I will resubmit and make sure to indicate '(uncredited)' in the appropriate field. Hopefully that does it... thanks again!

4 Messages


100 Points

Hi @Ozzy,

So I tried submitting as uncredited 2 weeks ago and again it is listed as approved but still does not appear. Is there anything I can do to try to get this credit on my imdb page? I'm sure you can understand I rely on these credits to validate my work and move my career forward. I imagine this is a common issue as the usage of uncredited additional music composers is widespread. 





2.7K Messages


27.4K Points

Hello igotts, 

I checked on submission 241101-215525-560000 and there is no evidence for us to take a look and confirm your participation in the Music Dpt. You have to add evidence for us, you can find instructions in our Help guide.

4 Messages


100 Points

Hi @Fran,

Thank you for your response. I have read the attached article and further searched the site and was not able to find any instructions for how to provide evidence for uncredited submissions. I believe I thoroughly searched your articles but apologies if I somehow missed it. Could you kindly reproduce the information for me, or direct me to where in that link it is located? 

All my best,



2K Messages


20K Points

Hi @igotts,

Please refer to this Help article for guidance on evidence for uncredited credits, specifically the following section:

If a person isn't listed in the titles end credits, or the title is unreleased, and the end credits aren't yet finalized - the evidence listed above will be sufficient to help a credits update. 

Sufficient evidence for self-submitted uncredited roles:

Third-party news articles Call sheets
Receipts Pay stubs 

Sufficient evidence for third-party submitted uncredited roles:

Third-party news articles

If the title has been released, you'll need to include the attribute of (uncredited) to reflect the name wasn't mentioned in the end credit sequence:

Example of the uncredited attribute
(Example of the uncredited attribute)

More information on the (uncredited) attribute, please see here.

I hope this helps!