38 Messages


570 Points

Wednesday, June 26th, 2024 10:16 PM

No Status

Cops s30e11

duplicate entry for s30e10 and current s30e11 should be removed. title says Episode #30.11.  there are only 33 episodes for season 30.

38 Messages


570 Points

3 months ago

this episode is a duplicate and should be removed. (2nd of two to be removed as duplicates). 

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled cops s30e19 titled "Episode #30.19" should be removed

38 Messages


570 Points

3 months ago

sent two duplicates to remove in same season. that will bring episode count from 34 to 32. This report is to add missing episode that should be numbered (after other two duplicates removed) s30e27 "Whose Gun Is It Anyway" February 19, 2018 air date.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled s30e27 is missing



5.3K Messages


55.5K Points

3 months ago

Hi @Rusty767 -

Please submit a title merge or deletion if necessary following the linked guides.


38 Messages


570 Points

@Bethanny​ I wasn't able to do that (no option) - some kind of restriction in place? but please check my reply just before this post to this thread.

38 Messages


570 Points

22 days ago

I've fixed and filled in all missing plot summaries, uploaded still images that were blank and fixed episodes to be the right count. 

one problem, there is an 'extra' episode someone entered in error apparently long ago, and a missing episode. I Have submitted corrections to fix this but none have passed muster.

TVguide archive capture:

current S30E11 title "Episode #30.11" needs to be deleted (option).

An episode is missing that should be S30E21 "Scaredy Cat" Nov 6, 2017 air date. if the 30.11 above is not removed it would be s30e22 in the list but one higher than TVguide Archives. 

Is it kosher to make the 30.11 above data all match the missing episode "Scaredy Cat" and then ask for a resort of episodes (by date) so Scaredy Cat would be the correct 30.21 air date November 6, 2017. I've watched the episode and have the still frame ready to populate an episode entry along with the plot outline. 

Attempts to remove the extra episode and add the missing episode get rejected with 

Any help would be gladly appreciated so I can successfully complete Season 30's record.
