4 Messages


100 Points

Wednesday, May 29th, 2024 2:23 AM


Credit Removal

How do I go about removing a credit for someone who has kindly asked me to be remove from a tv show indicating he does not want to have this program under his direction and is pursuing a different type of role and engagement. I am the main Creator, Producer, Writer and Director of the show. He has already travelled to an area that i am unable to reach to received any form of written indication seeming it was word of mouth. He no longer is surrounded by any forms of a digital environment. How can i go about honoring his request. The environment he is does not allow and prohibits the use of any form of electronic and clerical tools. Please advise me on how to accomplish this. i have tried and the requests keeps getting denied.



7.4K Messages


275K Points

4 months ago

Cristian: Has this TV show already been broadcast? Was the person credited on screen in the show?

4 Messages


100 Points

Yes the show has aired and believe that they were entered in the credits as well. The new ones do not have it.



1.6K Messages


16.5K Points

Hi @CristianKnight,

Please can you provide us with the 18-digit submission reference for your declined contribution so we can look into this for you? You can find this in your Contribution History.


4 Messages


100 Points

Thank you greatly Ozzy, I really appreciate it. I don't want to not honor his wishes. Especially when its hard to explain the situation when submitting the claim. The number is 240529-015553-587000. Any help is greatly appreciated



1.6K Messages


16.5K Points

Hi @CristianKnight,

Thank you for the submission reference.

Our aim is to be the most complete and reliable source of movie, TV, and entertainment information on the web. In order to continue offering our users an accurate and trustworthy service, it is our policy not to alter or delete any kind of correct/factual information from our records.


4 Messages


100 Points

Definitely, its one of the main reasons as a director that i wanted to make sure that everyone who took part and participating in the project or an episode was given recognition. As they say to give credit where credit is due. There are times that i do get individuals who do not want their name to be out there for personal reason and i have to respect their decisions. I'm also in the process of reediting all the episodes to resubmit them without the name just so that he can feel more reassured that I at least took some sort of action to accomplish his wishes. And thank you again Ozzy and to everyone at IMDB, its one of the main reasons i have been using the services for a few years now since I first began the filming of the pilot episode.