44 Messages
908 Points
Episodes from Belgium show added to the UK version of the same show.
The Belgium TV show "Professor T" https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3823996/?ref_=ttep has a UK version remake of "Professor T" https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11981644/?ref_=ttep
The UK version has episodes listed in the 3rd season (3.7 thru 3.13) that have English episode titles that are actually for the Belgium version (3.7 thru 3.13). The Belgium episodes are already there, so the UK episodes need to be deleted. I went through the process of using Google Translate to make sure they were the same and they are. It can get confusing when there are two titles that are exactly the same! The UK version of Professor T should only have 6 episodes per season so it's for sure that the other ones are not supposed to be there.
Can someone help?
2.2K Messages
24K Points
2 months ago
Hi mgpetersen-
Thank you for reporting this issue with this TV series! After further reviewing, yes these episodes are part and already on the Belgium "Professor T (2015-2018)." These incorrect episodes added to the UK version of "Professor T (2021-)" season 3 have been removed.
The changes will be live on the site shortly.