17 Messages


262 Points

Saturday, March 16th, 2024 1:52 AM



EVEN MORE problems with the "segment" attribute

I think it's common knowledge that there is a long-standing glitch with "segment" attributes not displaying properly - particularly the "segment producer" one. 

Those of us who are involved in anthology movies use these attributes frequently, so the fact that this glitch has still not been fixed over two years after it was highlighted is very frustrating. 

Has anyone else noticed that very recently, the "segment" problems have increased massively and it now seems impossible to use the attribute in relation to directors of different segments in your movies? As recently as a couple of months ago I could still do this but now these credits are always rejected. I can still list actors with the attribute (segment "name of segment") in the usual way, but it seems that IMDB will not accept any segment attributes in relation to segment directors. 

I cannot give my segment directors due credit if the attribute is unusable. 

I really wish all the issues surrounding this essential attribute would be sorted out, as I can't see how to proceed without it. 



2K Messages


20.1K Points

10 months ago

Hi @pete_vstot,

Thank you for your problem report.

Please could you provide us with the 18-digit submission references for any related declined credit additions? Whilst I can't provide any guarantees on a timeline, once we have this information for more context regarding this issue, we can then file an updated ticket for further investigation into it. 


17 Messages


262 Points

Hi Ozzy, 

Many thanks for replying. 

I tried many times and many different ways to get the credit added, but this reference has the credit set out the way it has been accepted in recent years, and how I would like it to appear if possible. It also has an added explanation from me as to why it the "segment" attribute is so important to our (and other) anthology movies. 

Here is the reference:


I hope you can help us to resolve this.  Thanks again! 



2K Messages


20.1K Points

Hi @pete_vstot,

Thank you for the submission reference.

We do need some further context to help resolve this issue for you however. Can you please confirm whether the trailers listed in the attributed crew credits are segments from this title and not legitimate trailers for a separate title?


17 Messages


262 Points


Hi Ozzy, 

Ah, I see. The word "trailer" is the issue, and from your comments I can now understand why. 

Yes, the trailers referenced in our credits are always segments from our film and definitely not legit pre-existing trailers or other people's property/work. 

The best way to explain it is, our anthology movies are tributes to the 1980s VHS age. (Like the movie Grindhouse, but for VHS.) So, our movies have 6 short story segments (about 10-15 minutes each), and in between we insert our own fake retro trailers for trashy, badly-made movies of the kind that used to appear on VHS rental movies, to help recreate the sensation of watching movies on VHS back in the day. 

All of these trailers are brand new material, written and shot by us, aged to look old and authentically 70s/80s. We have never used anything that wasn't our own work. Hopefully that helps to clarify our use of the word trailer. 

I wonder if this might be a problem going forward (as we plan a third film in the series), whenever we use the word trailer in our IMDB credits. Would it be simpler if we just used the "segment" attribute for these fake trailers, and just avoid the word "trailer" altogether in future? We wouldn't want to make extra work for you guys!

If I could bring one more related issue to your attention? There's an ongoing problem with using the "segment" attribute for producer credits. It's been an issue for over two years and although the tech team have repeatedly been made aware, it still has not been resolved. 

Here's a link to the main discussion of the issue:

‎Unnecessary (segment "producer") | IMDb Community Forums (sprinklr.com)

Is there any chance you could somehow look into this for us? Other staff have tried, and we don't lay any blame at their door, but the issue seems to be at the tech department's end. 



2K Messages


20.1K Points

Hi @pete_vstot,

Thank you for the additional clarifying information. 

Grindhouse is a great example. Based on what you have confirmed, for these attributed credits to be approved, they should be formatted as they are listed for Grindhouse. For example, your related credits should be submitted or corrected as "fake trailer segment "The Revenge of Jake Flamingo".

I am also aware of the related issue with the segment producer attribute and have recently requested an update on the ticket filed to investigate this. I will provide an update to the referenced community thread when I have one.

I hope this helps!

17 Messages


262 Points

@Ozzy​ Hi Ozzy, 

Apologies for the delayed reply. Thanks so much for your assistance - you always respond and try to help!  

Thanks for the suggestion of formatting my fake trailer attributes in the same way that Grindhouse did. Unfortunately, it was only partially successful. It worked for acting credits, but would not work with director, writer and cinematographer credits, the same jobs that I had issues with before. (Producer would probably still not work too, but I didn't try that.)

Here's a reference number for an attempt to change to the "fake trailer" attribute. As you  can see the acting ones were accepted, the others rejected. I have no idea what the issue is. 


If you can figure it out, I'd be very grateful. If not, I will have to just mark fake trailers using the "segment" attribute (which is still basically true). 

Thanks again for your attention to this problem. 



2K Messages


20.1K Points

Hi @pete_vstot,

Thank you for reporting this.

I will forward on this specific issue to the relevant team. In the meantime, I have re-submitted the credits on your behalf and approved them. They should update across all IMDb platforms shortly.


17 Messages


262 Points

Hi Ozzy, 

Apologies again for the late reply. Firstly, thanks so much for not only forwarding this issue to the tech team, but also for manually re-submitting the problem credits and approving them for us. You are always so responsive and helpful with the attribute issues we've unearthed, and it's much appreciated! 

I have been attempting to add a whole bunch more "fake trailer segment" credits, with the same mixed success. Acting credits with the "fake trailer segment" attribute always seem to work fine, (and also Art Department credits, strangely!), but all other crew credits I've tried with this attribute (producer, director, cinematographer, makeup, camera department, transport department, etc) have all been either declined, or added with just the "segment" attribute. 

I'm sorry to ask, but if you have a few spare minutes sometime, would it be possible for you to manually re-submit and accept the credits I've been trying to add recently? I'm sorry to give you extra work - I realise this is not your fault and is a glitch in the system. 

Here are the reference numbers of the problem submissions: 













Apologies again to ask this of you. Hopefully they will soon figure out this issue and I will be free to just do the work myself (which I actually find quite fun, strangely!)

Thanks again!



2K Messages


20.1K Points

Hi @pete_vstot,

No problem at all. I have manually re-submitted the credits in the above declined contributions for you, and approved them. These updates will appear live across all IMDb platforms shortly. I am still waiting on an update on a long-term fix for this issue, however in the meantime I recommend adding an explanation to any future related credit additions with a link to the title page to assist our data editors, and help bypass any potential further declined contributions.


17 Messages


262 Points

Hi Ozzy, 

Apologies for the incredibly late response! Have been very busy with the film and life in general. Fear not, we are on the home straight to finishing the film and I will soon be adding a load of credits which may well need assistance with dealing with the glitches you've so kindly been helping us with for a while now!

When you suggest giving a link to other data editors if they end up dealing with my credit assistance requests, did you mean give them a link to our discussions here, so they can see how you've been helping? 

Oh, and I wonder if you could help with something quite simple? When we started shooting our film a couple of years ago, we uploaded some pictures from early in the shoot which are really not representative of how the film looks now. We now have a pro photographer who is producing images that give the film a much better image. We recently replaced the old poster image with one taken by our photographer and managed to have the old poster removed. But our repeated requests to remove the other two keep getting declined. (I don't think "They are out of date and we're trying to improve publicity for our film" is accepted as a good enough reason for deletion!) 

Is there any chance you could possibly delete them for us? 

Here is our film page: Video Shop Tales of Terror II: Lust and Revenge (2025) - IMDb

The photos we would like to have deleted are the two which show cast members holding a clapperboard. We'd just like the poster image to remain, as that's brand new.  

Thanks so much! 



2K Messages


20.1K Points

Hi @pete_vstot,

You could link to this thread, however it is best to provide as much external evidence as possible to support your credit contributions. So I would just explain that the previous credits have been amended to what they are displayed as on the IMDb title page currently, with a link to the cast and crew page just to ensure you can avoid any further processing errors.

In regards to the images you have requested for deletion, if they do not represent the title as it is due to be released, and are not just BTS pictures, I can remove them. Otherwise, they should remain as the BTS image types they currently listed as.

I hope this helps!