space_core's profile

7 Messages


266 Points

Saturday, November 2nd, 2024 6:03 AM


Fake Television series: How to delete?


I've been watching a lot of old 1930s shorts recently and came across

This series is clearly not from the 1930s so I was going to correct it with whatever year it actually came out but I can't find any evidence of it existing period even as a modern web show. 

There is no cast or crew and searching the name of the episodes listed just brings up IMDB. 

Is there any way to submit a deletion request?



2.7K Messages


28K Points

4 months ago

Hello space_core,

You can submit the correction/deletion using our online Update Form, you can find help and instructions in our Help Articles.

7 Messages


266 Points

Thank you for the link, but I can't seem to figure it out. Can you tell me if I'm doing something wrong? 

Checking the help  it tells me to edit the entry going to "Other Corrections" and selecting "Request Deletion" 

So I navigate there from the title page but such an option doesn't seem to exist. 

There is only Title Correction or Cast/Crew

I figured the option must just be under the top option so I go to Title Correction and try manually typing the request but it auto rejects it and suggests there is no way to actually delete via this page, so I'm not sure where to go. 

Did I take a wrong turn somewhere? Thank you for your time!



2.2K Messages


24K Points

@space_core​ Hi- 

If this specific title does not have a "Title deletion" option on the 'Edit page', the request will have to be submitted through this specific Contact form instead, for our editors to review further. Once our editors review it, a deicision and communication will be informed.

Our aim is to be the most complete and reliable source of movie, TV, and entertainment information on the web. In order to continue offering our users an accurate and trustworthy service, it is our policy not to alter or delete any kind of correct/factual information from our records. If, in this case, the title is deemed eligible, it will not be removed.   

Let us know if you have any further questions!


1.1K Messages


30.7K Points

@Maya @Fran

IMDb's external link goes to an a YouTube page with an unlisted video titled "Candy con Studios cartoon #01 Angeline e Anjinho em: Lonely Angel 1929." I can't find any other videos in this alleged series.

The YouTube video is real, but despite the "#01" in the title there's no evidence of a series. And despite the attempts to make the video look like old film, it is not an old film. It is new.

The YouTube video was uploaded on Apr 5, 2022. I'm thinking the staff might want to alter this title from a miniseries to a single video and change the date.

If they agree, I can make the changes myself.

Candy con Studios cartoon #01 Angeline e Anjinho em: Lonely Angel 1929


7 Messages


266 Points

Thanks both of you!

I just searched the title and didn't even think to check the external links. If it's unlisted no wonder it didn't appear to exist.

I agree if there is a video attached it shouldn't be deleted and I support changing the release date to the date of the video's upload. 

Jay_spirit if you're willing to put in the changes for it I'd appreciate it greatly. I'm not very confident in navigating the contribution pages. 

1.1K Messages


30.7K Points


You're welcome!

As soon as I get a confirmation from a staffer that that's how they want to handle the situation, I'll take care of it.

Thanks for noticing this fake series, by the way. We have way too many of them on the site right now. Just the number of fake TV series made before television was mainstream is itself too large.



5.6K Messages


58.9K Points

@jay_spirit​ Hi! Yes, if you found evidence please submit the changes.


1.1K Messages


30.7K Points

@Bethanny@Maya @Fran 

It looks as if this task cannot be accomplished at user level.

I can't change the title type without changing the date. But I can't change the date at series level either. And there's no episode level, so I can't change the date there either; nor am I able to add a new date and then delete the old one.

Every single bit of information about this "series" is fake. I would recommend removing the entire title as well as the fake companies attached to it.

The external link does lead to an actual unlisted YouTube video, which seems to be of little or no interest; but I'm happy to add it if the staff would prefer this.

Otherwise, there's nothing we can do at user level.




5.6K Messages


58.9K Points

@jay_spirit​ Hi! The title and companies were deleted. Please feel free to submit the new title.
