1 Message


70 Points

Thursday, September 12th, 2024 8:29 AM


How to merge different profil into 1

Hi everyone, I wanted to add my professionnal experience into IMDB and I saw I already have 2 experiences submited into IMDB. I wanted to have acces to these profil and merged them into 1 account. I want to add all my different experience into 1 account/profil
I cant upload picture i dont know why but if you search "fabien fovel" you will find 2 differents account with 2 differents work I did



7.4K Messages


275K Points

7 days ago

Fabien: I can only find one name page under the name Fabien Fovel:


If there is another one for you besides that, please post the link to the other one. Then someone here may give you advice on merging the pages, if indeed they need to be merged.