170 Messages


2.2K Points

Tuesday, February 20th, 2024 9:06 AM



I don't understand

Does nobody encounters any bugs on this site?
Literally there is huge bug on the site, for over a year now and nobody fixes it
It was gone for a while, but now it happens more often than before

Episodes, fully accepted and added weeks before, sometimes even months
Doesn't work
When you try to add crew or cast to it, it says episode can't be mapped
Doesn't matter that episode exist and added months before (fully accepted)
Now i encounter this literally with every maybe 5th title, where some episodes from the title doesn't work
When before it was much more rarely
I tried so many times to write about it on imdb contact, but it's useless as always
8/10 times you get robotic answer which is literally about different thing
And 2/10 times they say they will report it and i tought they fixed it, since it was gone for some time
But now it came back even stronger



14.5K Messages


331.5K Points

11 months ago

No, I don't recognize this. But maybe you could give some recent examples.

170 Messages


2.2K Points

11 months ago

Like this and this happens very often now, episodes fully accepted, some weeks ago, some months ago and they are on title episodes list, but they doesn't work, you can't add anything to it
And these are only 2 titles i tried to add crew today, last week there where over 5 titles like that where some episodes doesn't work


461 Messages


14.6K Points

Without knowing the series the screenshots are of not much use.

170 Messages


2.2K Points

What series has to do with it, when it happens often?
Try create 10 titles, with 20 episodes each and you will see the problem

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2.2K Points

One title, with that 3 episodes which doesn't work



14.5K Messages


331.5K Points


I'm not immediately seeing any error. What kind of data are you trying to submit?



14.5K Messages


331.5K Points

Okay, I see that three episodes could not be found in the episode browser.



14.5K Messages


331.5K Points

If you enter the correct episode data  yourself it does seem to work, though.



5.6K Messages


58.9K Points

@Peter_pbn​ Hi! Specifically which 3 episodes did this happen in?




14.5K Messages


331.5K Points


As seen in my first screenshot I hadn't selected episode 1.6, 1.11 and 1.18 because they were not available to select.

This is when trying to add a credit from the series page.



14.5K Messages


331.5K Points

11 months ago

There was a report of something similar last year here and also here.

170 Messages


2.2K Points

11 months ago

Yeah you can add to each episode individually, i tried that, but it's so much work like that, group adding doesn't work




7.4K Messages


181K Points

11 months ago

@ugnieska & @Peter_pbn  Thanks for the problem report and the reference back to the original ticket.  We are following up with the appropriate team on the progress. 

170 Messages


2.2K Points

10 months ago

Any progress on it? It still happening, it's such a frustrating thing



7.4K Messages


181K Points

@ugnieska​ Sorry for the delay.  We have asked for an update on the progress. 



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181K Points

@ugnieska​ The team have investigated the issue and solutions are under discussion. 

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2.2K Points

@Col_Needham​ I hope it will be fixed soon, becauce this bug now evolving like some kinda a virus
It shows that some episodes was not accepted

But it's already on the site, of course you can't add anything to it, well you can add individually, but with group adding you can't



7.4K Messages


181K Points

@ugnieska​ Sorry, but the issue on this thread is a front-end contribution issue affecting a small number of shows with very specific characteristics (which is why it is both rare and difficult to diagnose). 

Any issues relating to processing or status updates are separate and should be raised on a separate thread with contribution numbers to demonstrate the problem. 

170 Messages


2.2K Points

9 months ago

I think it will give up for creating episodes, because it's not possible anymore. Now every title i try to create episodes for, if its more than 8 they get bugged. Yesterday from 20 episodes, 6 were bugged. And it's with every title now, sometimes 2, sometimes 3, sometimes 1 if it's 8 total. I try to add then one by one on individual episodes, but it takes so much time, so it's not worth it. I don't understand nobody experiences it, but me? How is that possible?




7.4K Messages


181K Points

@ugnieska​ Sorry for the delay on this.  We have given your latest feedback to the team investigating this.  Unfortunately the bug is rare and it only affects a small number of titles and only in specific update cases, all of which your updates seem to be triggering, sorry. 

170 Messages


2.2K Points

But how it can be small numbers of titles, when i encounter it in every even small title now. And all happens only for me, i don't do anything specific, i don't use any bots to do contributions or something
Few days ago i created episodes for 5 mini titles, 4 episodes each
And every title were bugged
First title 1 episode
Second title 3 episodes even
Third title 2 episodes
Fourth title 1 episode
And fifth title also 2 episodes

Then i created 20 episodes for other title and 7 episodes were bugged

It looks even like something is done on purpose, i understand it's not the case, but it looks like that, because only i get this bug and on every title almost now
It really bumps my enthusiasm for creating titles, because it gets bugged all the time

I can create test titles for programmers if it's necessary, maybe then they will find what bug causing it, because it looks like only i get it


170 Messages


2.2K Points

8 months ago

I thought it was fixed, because it was fine for few weeks, but now every episodes are bugged, when before there were some
How can i add anything to the episodes?
Episodes added a week ago
And today still this

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled I'm so tired of this bug



2K Messages


20K Points

Hi @ugnieska,

Thank you for reporting this. I have filed a ticket (ref. #D137191613) for the appropriate team to investigate this. I will provide any updates to this thread as and when we receive them. For added insight, are you able to provide us with the saved 18-digit submission reference for the above contribution attempt?


461 Messages


14.6K Points

See my response in your previous thread: https://community-imdb.sprinklr.com/conversations/data-issues-policy-discussions/i-dont-understand/65d46b9a36d43032e574ed33?commentId=65d4740fed7a464f968d9301&replyId=65d4bcd7ed7a464f968d9f9b

Without knowing the series the screenshots are of not much use.

The original thread is still marked as "In Progress". As was pointed out there, few other people seem to be seeing this issue and your experience seems to be unusual.

170 Messages


2.2K Points

@owenrees​ I can say why other people doesn't experience it. Bugs like this doesn't choose people on what account to have this bug. Many people fill episodes one by one, when it airs, that's why they don't get it. For past few months i studied how western series contributors works. In the east we work differently because many episodes air on the same day, or in a few weeks tops. And main crew is always the same, so you add them on all episodes at once.

170 Messages


2.2K Points

And also i found a way how to work around this bug, but this make so much time, when you have to do it one by one, same credits after same credits
When on any episode you add some credits directly, it starts to appear on episodes list to add all at once
I did it today with these series too, because i can't wait when it will work, because these series airing right now
But now i have to push work on others series for the next day, because i spend more time on these series
And also this is another reason why nobody gets this bug
Because many people work on the series contribution, so if one person adds everything one by one, for another it will work adding all at once
But when i do mostly everything alone it sucks, because you have to spend time on the thing that should work



2K Messages


20K Points

Hi @ugnieska,

Are you still experiencing this bug in relation to episode mapping? If so, please could you provide us with a saved submission reference to help our team investigate.


170 Messages


2.2K Points

Sometimes actually, but really not that often like before, for the past week now very rarely, but i didn't try to do more than 10 episodes per series, i will try soon and if it will happen i will provide all submissions



2K Messages


20K Points

Hi @ugnieska,

That would be great, thank you!

170 Messages


2.2K Points

@Ozzy I have a example for you
One episode today got bugged
Here it shows that it's accepted, but doesn't have a release date
Here it shows it's not accepted https://contribute.imdb.com/contribution/240619-090144-626000




2K Messages


20K Points

Hi @ugnieska,

Many thanks for the example. I have forwarded this on to the investigating team.


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2K Messages


20K Points

Hi @ugnieska,

Thank you for the further example, I have added this to the ticket as the team are still working on this issue. Thank you for your continued patience!

170 Messages


2.2K Points

@Ozzy here is another example, that it still happening

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2K Messages


20K Points

Hi @ugnieska,

Thank you for the examples and your continued patience. I've added these examples to the investigation ticket.


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2K Messages


20K Points

Hi @ugnieska,

Thank you. I have added this to the investigation ticket.

I will follow up with the team to confirm the progress made on the investigation.


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2K Messages


20K Points

Hi @ugnieska,

A new ticket (ref. #D173551658) has been filed to further look into this issue.

Thank you for the later examples. I will provide progress updates on the ticket to this thread when available.



170 Messages


2.2K Points

170 Messages


2.2K Points



2K Messages


20K Points

Hi @ugnieska,

Thank you for these additional examples. The work to investigate and remediate this issue is still ongoing. Once I have an update on the issue being resolved, I will add it to this thread.

Thanks for you continued patience on this matter, and apologies for any inconvenience caused.



2K Messages


20K Points

Hi @ugnieska,

We have been informed by our tech team that the delay issue should now be solved. If you experience any further related issues, please let us know.
