14 Messages


240 Points

Wednesday, December 18th, 2024 7:49 PM


imdb news feed went down yesterday? missed variety article...


a news article in variety and many other places seemed to have been missed yesterday...  I believe it's because there were roblems with the imdb, it was down for a bit.  Is there a way to get it on our films website and personal pages...   the article was this- https://variety.com/2024/film/news/queen-of-the-ring-trailer-mildred-burke-emily-bett-rickards-2-1236249000/

we would really appreciate it.  FYI i have been wearing my imdb swag proudly as it turns winter in NYC...




17.7K Messages


315.7K Points

3 months ago

Hi @ijr -

I can confirm that we did receive news articles from providers (including Variety) on December 17th, however, I will follow-up with the appropriate team to confirm if there was any ingestion disruption due to the technical website issues (ticket #V1618507721). 

Please also keep in mind that it could be possible that the news provider may not have provided us with the specific article.  If this happens to be the case, you are welcome to submit the news article as an External site on the title page.




17.7K Messages


315.7K Points

2 months ago

Hi @ijr -

I'm following up to confirm that the Newsdesk feed and ingestion were not affected by the known website technical issues. The Variety source appears to be healthy on NewsDesk, and articles from this source were received in the last several weeks without interruption.

If the article is not displaying on IMDb, this means that the news article was not included in the RSS feed that was provided by the news partner on that date.

I hope this helps.

14 Messages


240 Points


thank you for researching.  Is there a wat to get it accepted as news?  more a general question than a need at this point...




17.7K Messages


315.7K Points

Hi @ijr​ -

We can only include articles that have been provided to us through the news feed by the news partner (note that providers don't always include every article they publish).  Unfortunately, if the article is not provided to us we cannot include it within our News section.

As an alternative, you can add the new article as an External link on the related name/title page.  For more information about External links I encourage you to review our Help Guide (for titles) or this page guide for names.

I hope this helps, Happy New Year!

14 Messages


240 Points

Yes, thats as I remembered it.  thank you and Happy New Year!!!  I am thankful for IMDB though my meter is in the dumps today...