7 Messages
246 Points
Inaccurate film synopsis
Contribution #241128-180759-861000
film: never goin’ back (2018)
My “PLOT SUMMARY EDIT” was declined because “Does not meet contribution guidelines.” ??
I just re-submitted.
I’d like a human, non-automated explanation, as there is no reason at all that my accurate, grammatically correct submissions are being declined, while objectively inaccurate, grammatically flawed entries are getting approved.
I suppose it’s easier to “decline” a submission than to actually read what I have to say and / or fact-check / research.
Without a proper explanation, I feel like I am being treated unfairly by the moderators, and that personal biases are taking priority over objective fact. I can’t think of any other reason that my contributions would take a back seat to fantastical, inaccurate contributions with grammatical errors.
The locked / uneditable synopsis at the top of the IMDb page is:
“Jessie and Angela, high school dropouts…”
A contributor simply copy pasted the correct synopsis and changed “high school dropouts” to “high school dropouts IN LOVE”. This is fantasy / wishful thinking on the contributor’s part, and it is objectively false.
“in love” implies that their relationship is romantic, which is a fabrication.
The film is based on a platonic friendship the director experienced when she was 15 (see the IMDb “Trivia” section as one of the many references I can provide).
I also corrected some grammatical errors.
If you look at ANY source where the synopsis is locked and not editable…
A24’s (the distributor’s) website:
the official synopsis via web search, Rotten Tomatoes, etc., the two girls are referred to as “best friends”, which is exactly what they are. Nothing more. This is a FEMALE FRIENDSHIP film, not a sapphic film.
This is one of my favorite films that I’ve seen MANY times, and I don’t appreciate its IMDb page being vandalized, or the fact that imdb moderators/staff have been blowing me off.
thank you.
Accepted Solution
5.6K Messages
58.9K Points
2 months ago
Hi @RealAndrewLeo -
Your change was accepted.