31 Messages


656 Points

Tuesday, November 5th, 2024 3:57 PM


Issue Creating a New TV Episode


I am currently in the process of correcting episode numbers of the TV series Emmerdale Farm - tt0068069.

There are various issues with episode numbers being allocated to incorrect episodes, etc. but most I am able to amend, albeit by first deleting the incorrect numbers to avoid unwanted merges.

Episode number 1.5531 was a duplicate of episode 1.5525 in all but number, so 1.5531 was amended to 1.5525 and the two successfully merged - or so I thought. 

However, when I attempt to create a new episode 1.5531 I get the message that the episode number already exists, although it doesn’t show up anywhere. When clicking on the link it takes me to episode 1.5525. The only way to create ep 1.5531 is by accepting the merge, but this just seems to again merge into 1.5225 - which now shows the incorrect release date (the date of ep 1.5531).

It seems there has been an error made or a glitch in the system when 1.5531 and 1.5225 were initially merged. Can this be looked into please? Perhaps the best solution is to delete the existing episode 1.5525 then hopefully both episodes can be successfully created again. 

Current Episode 1.5525:


Original merge request:


Attempt to create 1.5531:


Many thanks 




5.6K Messages


58.9K Points

2 months ago

Hi @CaptainSiCo -

I tried recreating, and I do get a warning that you can acknowledge and still submit, can you show us the message you get where you can't submit 1.5531 only merge it?


31 Messages


656 Points


I’ll attach the error message. I know you can bypass it, but when I did so it didn’t create an episode 1.5531, it just appeared to merge the new episode into 1.5525. 

31 Messages


656 Points

Any updates or further advice please?

I do think it may be worth deleting episode 1.5525 as it seems to be linked in some way to 1.5531, causing issues with both. Then I can try creating them both again. 



17.6K Messages


314.9K Points

Hi @CaptainSiCo​ -

I was able to reproduce the Warning and blocker you encountered when trying to submit this new episode title.  I filed a ticket (#P167673747) for our tech team to investigate further.  As soon as I have any updates I will post the details here.

31 Messages


656 Points

I have removed the episode number from the incorrectly labelled/merged episode tt1596430, which now shows as “episode dated 12 February 2010” (which is the correct date for episode 1.5531).

This has allowed me to create a new episode 1.5525 which has been approved.

However, I still cannot allocate ep 1.5531 to the other episode as I still get the message that it “exists”. I tried bypassing that message but the update was declined.

Track Contribution

I know you are awaiting further advice from the tech team, but I do believe the easiest solution may be to delete this episode tt1596430 then hopefully a new episode 1.5531 can be created from scratch. 



17.6K Messages


314.9K Points

Hi @CaptainSiCo​ -

I'm following up to confirm that the initial contribution bug has now been fixed.

Can you confirm if this episode still needs to be removed? or is this also now resolved?

31 Messages


656 Points

@Michelle​ It’s now correct, thanks. I was able to add to correct episode number.