345 Messages
7.7K Points
Mysteries of the Action Genre and IMDb's insistence on rejecting my contributions
I've been trying for several months to remove the "action" genre from the film Sasquatch Sunset because it is definitely beyond the shadow of a doubt not an action film, but for some reason IMDb has rejected my contribution every time ("uNaBlE tO vErIfY"). It's a pretty stupid movie, so I think an acceptable form of punishment for everyone working at IMDb is to be forced to watch it three times in a row (once for every time my contribution was rejected). Then they would see for themselves how much of a not-action movie it is and I would stop being irritated and flabbergasted all the time.
Here are my contribution numbers for all of the times I've attempted fix this stupid issue:
Anyway, on the same day I reached the end of my rope regarding the stupid Sasquatch Sunset issue and finally decided to resort to using this stinking forum, I also noticed that the action genre had been removed from Seven Samurai, which is absurd. The film is such a quintessential example of the action genre, and in particular the samurai-action subgenre, that even IMDb has recognized it as one of the two examples of the subgenre on their keywords help page. Who deleted it? Why? And why reject my attempt to restore the genre? I am at my wit's end; this is the utmost of foolishness.
And here is the contribution number for the equally absurd Seven Samurai issue:
2.7K Messages
28K Points
3 months ago
Hello majfoalbkeopaza,
The genre Action for Sasquatch Sunset is no longer live on the site. For the addition you are trying to submit, we do not find evidence or information that help us verify that the Genre addition for Seven Samurai is correct.
You will have to re submit the Genre with valid evidence, you can find help in our Help Articles.