majfoalbkeopaza's profile

345 Messages


7.7K Points

Thursday, December 12th, 2024 10:34 PM


Mysteries of the Action Genre and IMDb's insistence on rejecting my contributions

I've been trying for several months to remove the "action" genre from the film Sasquatch Sunset because it is definitely beyond the shadow of a doubt not an action film, but for some reason IMDb has rejected my contribution every time ("uNaBlE tO vErIfY"). It's a pretty stupid movie, so I think an acceptable form of punishment for everyone working at IMDb is to be forced to watch it three times in a row (once for every time my contribution was rejected). Then they would see for themselves how much of a not-action movie it is and I would stop being irritated and flabbergasted all the time.

Here are my contribution numbers for all of the times I've attempted fix this stupid issue:


Anyway, on the same day I reached the end of my rope regarding the stupid Sasquatch Sunset issue and finally decided to resort to using this stinking forum, I also noticed that the action genre had been removed from Seven Samurai, which is absurd. The film is such a quintessential example of the action genre, and in particular the samurai-action subgenre, that even IMDb has recognized it as one of the two examples of the subgenre on their keywords help page. Who deleted it? Why? And why reject my attempt to restore the genre? I am at my wit's end; this is the utmost of foolishness.

And here is the contribution number for the equally absurd Seven Samurai issue:

(Ignore the 'adventure' genre part, that's not really important.)



2.7K Messages


28K Points

3 months ago

Hello majfoalbkeopaza,

The genre Action for Sasquatch Sunset is no longer live on the site. For the addition you are trying to submit, we do not find evidence or information that help us verify that the Genre addition for Seven Samurai is correct. 

You will have to re submit the Genre with valid evidence,  you can find help in our Help Articles

345 Messages


7.7K Points

@Fran​ Thanks for dealing with the Sasquatch Sunset situation correctly, I guess. It was a long time coming.

I'm astonished and disappointed about the response to Seven Samurai. I never thought I would actually have to explain this. Seven Samurai is not just an action film, it's a landmark of the genre. Removing the action genre is as much of a headscratcher as it would be if someone removed Mystery from Citizen Kane, or Film-Noir from The Maltese Falcon. It would be like if someone took the Comedy off of Some Like It Hot, or Western from The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. One might as well remove Drama from Schindler's List, or Adventure from Raiders of the Lost Ark. While they're at it, they might as well remove Crime from The Godfather, Horror from Frankenstein and Sci-Fi from Star Wars. I hope I will never be compelled to write short little essays trying to prove all of those genres are valid and need to be put back.

Since you were apparently unable to find evidence or information about Seven Samurai, I will now provide some:

Here's an article lauding Seven Samurai as the greatest action film of all time:

Here it is at #7 on Rotten Tomatoes' Top 100 Action/Adventure list:

Here it is on IMDb's own help page listed as one of the two prime examples of the samurai-action subgenre:

Here, have a gander at the film's poster:

Notice the raised swords. The running. The war cries. The men on horseback. The rearing horse. The chaotic energy emanating from the artwork. Everything about this poster just screams, "Action!"

The film is famous for its action set pieces. The battle scenes. The adrenaline rush. The epic feel of it all. It's been a top 250 movie on IMDb since IMDb's inception, which is why I'm honestly shocked to be asked to provide more evidence for what kind of movie this is. I thought that it was common knowledge.

I've severely edited this comment to make it less insulting and condescending. If you're curious about what my initial gut reaction was, you can find the unneutered original version of this comment copied word-for-word in the contribution I resubmitted below:


If it still comes back as unable to verify, I'll be at a loss for what to do next. I strongly believe that a) the genre should never have been removed b) that its validity should be common knowledge to anyone whose job requires them to have basic awareness of film history and c) that this information was not hard to find and that IMDb shouldn't pawn off so much of the work maintaining this database on unpaid contributors that they can't compel themselves to do a quick Google search. These are the reasons why my original comment was so angry.

Anyway, that's all I have to say for now. THE END




17.7K Messages


315.7K Points

Hi @majfoalbkeopaza​ -

Thanks for sharing the information and your recent submission reference number.  The Action genre has now been approved for the title and should be listed live on the site shortly.
