VonPunk's profile

780 Messages


15.1K Points

Tuesday, August 6th, 2024 6:19 PM


Need staff help on a few items.

1) I found a documentary page that had a bunch of archive footage credits for notable black actors, over half these were duplicate pages probably because they had problems adding the originals so created a new page instead. I merged all these but two were declined as 'badly formatted', I've no idea what that means in regard to a name page merge. Can you check it out, please.



2) This name page is suspicious https://www.imdb.com/name/nm4206804/

I noted it years ago as I'm a huge fan of TLATOT, and the character he claims to portray just doesn't feature, also the character from Daria is as a dog, all uncredited, and the character from the 3rd show does exist, except he was created after those credits and is a mute so has no voice actor, that plus the name page was created after all the shows credited on it, which leaves a plausible looking but completely bogus resumé of roles that don't exist.If like myself you cannot find any evidence, then the page should go to the big delete bin in the sky.

3) The Video (stream/rent) links on this Canadian title are incorrect, they link to videos for this French series so they should be switched from the former to the latter.

4) A credit I added to a title for character who's full name wasn't revealed at that point, no character name in credits and looked like a one shot appearance, well he returned and revealed his full name in the dialogue so with a screenshot with the captions on, I went to update his first appearance that I added originally to his full name but was declined, could you put it through for me.


5) This page needs deleting for obvious reasons: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm14000891/

6) Can you help shed any light on how credits for Sons of Anarchy's Abel Teller character ended up on this page: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm4138152/

A kid that appeared in SOA in 2011 and looked like this: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1974884/mediaviewer/rm1677627905/

is not the same as the kid who filmed this the same year: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm4138152/mediaviewer/rm832059904/

So before I move anything around I wondered, was there an incorrect merge or were they put there in error years ago. Any info that can help inform me. If it was a merge was any other credits attached to any page that was merged away?

Think that's it. Thanks.



5.3K Messages


55.5K Points

1 month ago

Hi @VonPunk -

1- Resubmitted on your behalf and approved.

2- Deleted

3-Ticket was created to fix it.

4- Resubmitted on your behalf and approved.

5- Deleted.

6-Seems an incorrect merge was applied, feel free to split the credits.


780 Messages


15.1K Points

This one didn't go through, if you could: #240730-225940-516000

But thanks so much, the rest are live on the site or gone if need be, so excellent.

And thank you for the info on 6, I'll do some extra checking first but I'll move those credits to a new page once I'm certain everything is accurate. Thank you.



5.3K Messages


55.5K Points

@VonPunk​ Done :D always a pleasure!

780 Messages


15.1K Points

@Bethanny​ Thank you, likewise. :)