1 Message


70 Points

Friday, July 19th, 2024 3:25 AM


Please remove a video

Hi IMDB Pro people,

There is a video on my page I want removed. I have tried to  edit it to be removed but it has not. When I go to "Your videos" it is not there. When I go to edit video it is not there. Yet When I look at my page it remains. The video is for the trailer The All Nighter. Please can I request it to be removed.  Here is my page link https://pro.imdb.com/name/nm0445421/videos Here is the video.https://pro.imdb.com/name/nm0445421/videos

Thank you. 



1.6K Messages


16.5K Points

2 months ago

Hi @SylvaKlegian,

Thank you for your problem report.

I have now removed your tag from this video. This update should appear live across all IMDb platforms shortly.

I hope this helps!