9 Messages


170 Points

Thursday, July 25th, 2024 3:43 PM


Problem Adding Credit


Hi! I am having this same issue of a contribution being declined with "does not meet contribution guidelines" as the reason. I am trying to add my first contribution and I keep getting declined with the reason: Does not meet contribution guidelines. Could someone please help me understand what I am doing wrong? I've uploaded multiple pay stubs. Thank you. Contribution #240723-182140-804000 or Potentially #240724-201250-127000, I tried multiple times and it also will not let me select episodes, I am trying to select Season 2, episodes 1 through 10. Thank you.

This post was created from this reply on different post



17.2K Messages


310.2K Points

2 months ago

Hi @contributionhelp455 -

I reviewed the submission and can confirm that it was declined because you submitted your credit to the main series page as opposed to the individual episodes you worked on.  You will need to submit your credits to the specific episodes, if you worked on episodes for a particular season or the entire series, you can submit your credits in bulk. 

For detailed instructions on how to submit episode credits I encourage you to review our Help Guide; then once submitted our staff will take another look.

Let us know if you have further questions or encounter issues making the submission!

9 Messages


170 Points

@Michelle Thank you. I re-submitted it on the specific episodes, but now it says declined because they were unable to verify? Do you know what next steps should be now? I sent in my official cast & crew pay stubs. 




17.2K Messages


310.2K Points

Hi @contributionhelp455​ -

Was your name credited on-screen for any of the work you did on Season 2 (if so can you post a screen grab of how you were credited on-screen)?  If not the credits will need to include the "uncredited" atrribute.


9 Messages


170 Points


Unfortunately it was not, I worked in post for Season 2 and the credit would have been on screen for Season 3, but I did work throughout Season 2 but they had already locked the credits for the screen. So I have my cast & crew paystubs which show I worked starting in March before Season 2 started airing in June (since we were in post that whole time) and I can also send in my box rental form which lists me as assistant to EP or more time cards? 



17.2K Messages


310.2K Points

Hi @contributionhelp455​ -

Got it.  The credits have now been approved with the "uncredited" attribute (since your name was not credited on-screen).  However, with that being said, because you don't have any credited entries listed on your IMDb page, these credits will not display until you have a credited entry listed.

Once you have an onscreen credit listed the episode credits for "Home Before Dark" will then automatically display.

I hope this helps!

9 Messages


170 Points

Oh that's great, thank you! And to confirm, once I have any credited listing, this one will show up, or do I need to specifically have my credits for this specific show listed? Thank you again! 



17.2K Messages


310.2K Points

Hi @contributionhelp455​ -

Yes, that is correct.  Once you list a credited entry on your page, these episode credits will then automatically display (you won't need to do anything on your end). 


9 Messages


170 Points

Okay great, thanks so much for all of your help!! 



17.2K Messages


310.2K Points

@contributionhelp455​ - You're welcome!