10 Messages
202 Points
Reduce the minimum size for IMDb user reviews
Please remove the required characters of 600 from the review function. Or limit to much lower. I may have a short review. Include a sort feature which allows us to filter by this is you must.
32 Messages
270 Points
2 years ago
I thought the minimum number of characters to write a review was 150. I'm getting an error message, "Sorry, your review is too short. It needs to contain at least 600 characters." What happened to being succinct, precise/concise, to the point, not wordy?
10.7K Messages
225.5K Points
2 years ago
Well, my view is that the limit ought not be unilateral but accounts for the running time of the movie, show or episode for which a review is being submitted.
2 Messages
70 Points
2 years ago
Put the minimum characters required to leave a review back to the original or remove required characters completely. Most people only need to 2-3 sentences, but the 600 character requirement is forcing "everyone" to write long or a few paragraphs, the issue is that "everyone" shouldn't be forced to do so.
11 Messages
200 Points
2 years ago
I wish imdb would remove the 600 character requirement for writing reviews. Not every review of a movie requires 600 characters. They didn't used to require that, please consider removing that. Thanks.
11 Messages
200 Points
2 years ago
I think imdb should remove the 600 character requirement for writing reviews. Not every review of a movie requires 600 characters. They didn't used to require that, please consider removing that. Thanks.
12 Messages
222 Points
2 years ago
Why do my reviews have to be so long. I see short reviews all the time and IMDb always declines my reviews for being too to short why is this? I have such a hard time writing lengthy reviews.
5 Messages
120 Points
2 years ago
most reviews I read seem written by people who are trying to say "this movie sucks" with many different words just to reach the 600 characters.
and I know the feeling because it happens to me almost anytime I want to write a review.
indeed 90% of the times I want, I end deciding not to, because having to reach the 600 sucks more than the movie.
for instance now as soon as I once again realized I had to reach the 600 (which I keep forgetting) I felt that it was more important to say how much this limit sucks, than how much that movie sucks.
and as I am a stubborn person, I hereby declare that I will never ever ever write any review in IMDb, until there will be such a limit.
2 Messages
70 Points
2 years ago
Is there s specific reason why my reviews has to have a minimum of 600 characters?
I see a lot of reviews passing trough that contains two or three sentences at most.
12 Messages
222 Points
2 years ago
Why do my reviews require 600 characters when I have seen several reviews with much fewer than 600 characters?
6 Messages
134 Points
2 years ago
How is it possible that I see new reviews submitted even TODAY that are super short? How can these people submit their reviews when they are 150-200 characters, tops? Just check the latest Black Mirror S6 episode reviews. Most of them are this short. Are these people part of some super secret special user group, maybe they pay for their accounts? Because when I try reviewing something, I get hit with the 600 character limit. How come they do not get that???
1 Message
60 Points
2 years ago
Yeah, I've been wondering about this. I really like watching awful movies and usually end up writing the parents guide for them. Recently, I've been trying to leave review for movies I watch, but there just isn't enough to talk about. After going through both the pros and cons of the movie, I'm left with anywhere from 30-100 character left. Now, of course I could pad these reviews out with useless information, or delve into spoiler territory and go step-by-step through the plot, analyzing each detail, but that feels disingenuous and is also a complete waste of my time.
Also, interestingly, I've been looking at other reviews clearly created before the date this policy went into effect, and most aren't over 50-100 characters, so I really don't know what the intention was for this policy change.
7 Messages
130 Points
2 years ago
I get it's a measure meant to fight review bombing but it's still really annoying. To write AND read reviews. Whatever happened to keep it short and concise?
1 Message
60 Points
2 years ago
The 600 minimum characters to leave a review is ridiculous. The people who leave comments after watching a movie are not film critics, and the fact that we should write a minimum of 600 characters does not mean that it would be a good review which can be left in a couple of sentences.
What people who read reviews just want to know if it was a good movie, they do not want to read a thesis of the movie, they want to find out what the movie is like by watching it.
8 Messages
142 Points
2 years ago
I recently learned that in my part of the country, more and more people (young directors, etc.) are very fond of a competing site because they can write comments, SHORT reviews on films, and with no minimum characters to have, whereas with IMDB, we must have a minimum of 600 Required characters, otherwise we can't write. Why not remove this minimum? I feel it would be a great help in attracting this new community.
Good week for IMDb team :)
40 Messages
550 Points
1 year ago
"Sorry, your review is too short. It needs to contain at least 600 characters."
This message appears while I write my review until enough characters are reached.
Is this message something that only started in the last few months?
I have seen any number of one-sentence reviews that are most definitely not 600 characters.
How is it that these get published?
It's clear there are hardcore movie fans that will post thoughtful reviews and also people with brief opinions that will sometimes offer a single sentence, which, on occasion, they will copy enough times to reach the character count.
It seems completely random and I cannot understand: is this 600-character rule applied to all reviews?