16 Messages


270 Points

Friday, January 3rd, 2025 11:03 PM


Removed Review


I noticed my review for The Substance (contribution number #241029-162533-464104) has been removed. I have re-read it, and see no reason as to why it would be taken down. As far as I can see, it does not violate any of your guidelines, nor contain any bad language. This has happened numerous times with other reviews before, and I wonder why it keeps happening? At any rate, I would request that it be reinstated.

Thank You



2.7K Messages


27.3K Points

14 days ago

Hello Reelreviewsandrecommendations,

You have included Spoilers in the Review and the Tag was not set to "True". You can re submit the User Review and post the 18-digits submission number to take a look for you!

16 Messages


270 Points

Hi @Fran 

Perhaps I am mistaken, but I was under the assumption that a review that contained spoilers would be marked as such, not removed. I have had reviews in the past retroactively marked as containing spoilers and edited them accordingly. None were ever removed.

In addition, I have again re-read the review, and find it contains nothing that could possibly be construed as a spoiler- unless the basic premise of the film, disclosed in all its trailers, was a spoiler. I do not believe I mentioned anything narrative-wise beyond that which was seen in the trailers.

I implore you to reconsider reinstating this review, as I truly cannot see how it contained spoilers of any kind. Perhaps you could put the 'Spoilers' tag on it if you feel it's needed.

I do not, however, see the point in making me submit what would be considered by the algorithm of your website to be an entirely new review, when I have already written one that had been up for months without incident and responded to by many.

Thank You



2.7K Messages


27.3K Points

The review was reinstated, the changes will be live on the site shortly!


16 Messages


270 Points

Hi @Fran 

Thank you very much.