5 Messages


110 Points

Tuesday, May 28th, 2024 4:19 PM



“My 600 word review disappeared when an IMDb ad auto filled. How can I find it?” 



1.6K Messages


16.5K Points

4 months ago

Hi @AlternateCity,

Please can you provide us with the 18-digit submission reference for your contribution so we can look into this for you? You can find this in your Contribution History (beta).


5 Messages


110 Points

@Ozzy​ My review did not get on the Contribution List. Note - https://contribute.imdb.com/contributions/history

As I was about to post my comment an ad, or some such, popped

up and seemingly erased everything I'd written. Perhaps you techies

could provide a Drafts like folder for this. 

8.4K Messages


174.7K Points

@AlternateCity​ 😀

Joined May 28th, 2024


Write your reviews in NotePad text editor (and save it)

Copy and paste to IMDb

- - -


IMDb has over 9,816,650 reviews now


Review of Beyond Tomorrow

30 May 2024

IMDb member since September 2003

7,907 Reviews



5 Messages


110 Points

@ACT_1​ OK, and thanks for that tip. Do you suppose anyone in Techie Land is concerned over how/why the pop up ad erased my 600 word review?

8.4K Messages


174.7K Points

@AlternateCity​ 😀


Wait for a reply from @Ozzy​ 

and maybe some other reviewers




17.2K Messages


310.2K Points

4 months ago

Hi @AlternateCity -

I will be filing a ticket to the appropriate team to highlight and investigate the occurrence, however, before I do so I will need to gather some further information about what you experienced.

Were you writing your review on the desktop website or were you using a mobile device via the IMDb App? (If the latter, can you confirm if you were using Android or iOS, and let us know your device and App version?)

Can you also briefly describe what exactly happened, I understand that you completed your review and were about to submit it until the ad popped up.  Can you describe exactly what happened after the ad popped up (ie. did the text disappear when you clicked to remove the ad)?

Thanks in advance!

5 Messages


110 Points

@Michelle​  Good afternoon, Michelle/employee. I am using an Acer, Chrome Book. You've described very well what happened. Just as I was finishing my review, an ad auto-filled, my review disappeared, I maintained my cool.  

Here is something else that I had planned to bring up. why so many words? 600 so often requires a lot of stretching. It shouldn't be a term paper. Just saying,

8.4K Messages


174.7K Points

@AlternateCity​ 😀


Reduce the minimum size for IMDb user reviews
Friday, January 20th, 2023

Please remove the required characters of 600 from the review function.
 Or limit to much lower.  
I may have a short review. 





17.2K Messages


310.2K Points

3 months ago

Hi @AlternateCity -

My sincere apologies for the delayed response.  Can you confirm if you have continued to experience any repeated behavior when trying to submit User Reviews?

Concerning the length requirements, we have these limits in place to ensure good quality reviews that add value and align with our guidelines.

5 Messages


110 Points

Hi, Michelle. 
My concern, and question, was not about the required length of comments.
It was, and still is this:
“My 600 word review disappeared when an IMDb ad auto filled. How can I find it?”...
No, I have not had it happen again. I'm not going to comment any more until the problem is resolved.



1.6K Messages


16.5K Points

Hi @AlternateCity,

Have you experienced any further examples of this issue occurring since? Please let us know if so.
