11 Messages


250 Points

Saturday, July 6th, 2024 6:56 PM


Snowpiercer (tt6156584) start year inconsistency

On the IMDb website, Snowpiercer (tt6156584) has a start year of 2020, but in the title.basics.tsv.gz dataset it has a start year of 2017.



5.3K Messages


55.5K Points

2 months ago

Hi @hduston -

Ticket V1444429311 was created to look into this. We will keep you posted.




17.2K Messages


310.3K Points

2 months ago

Hi @hduston -

Our tech team reviewed the data files and were unable to replicate the inconsistency you experienced.  Can you downloaded a copy of latest title.basics.tsv.gz dataset from https://datasets.imdbws.com/ and check again?  You should be able to see the correct "2020" year.