talentest's profile

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918 Points

Sunday, May 26th, 2024 9:00 PM


SOLVED, thank you. IMDb Assistance with Obvious GOOF.

Submitting a new post because it's been days and it's never taken so long to get a help response from an IMDb employee before.  Hopefully this one will.

A legitimate goof for the film BAD MATCH (2017) has been declined twice now for "not meeting guidelines" and then "unable to verify" so I just need help understanding what am doing wrong exactly in this submission.  Here is the text of the 2nd attempt as written (submitted as a 'Revealing Mistake'):

(at around 19 mins) The voice of Harris's boss clearly changes between lines. At first it is the voice of the actress who plays her (Noureen DeWulf) then it suddenly sounds like an Alexa AI voice sniping in with the line, "And I'm gonna need 500 words on Waldo's Scented Matches by Friday, got it?"

The character's voice switches from human to an AI 'text-to-speech' (that sounds exactly like an Alexa) within the very same block of dialogue, from one sentence to the next.  It is impossible not to notice.

Given that some other 'goofs' I've submitted had all posted right away I've noticed that the only ones that have gotten 1-3 days pending-before-its-declined are whenever I include a timestamp to the goof (rather than describe the point in the movie).  I know that sounds illogical, but I'm totally in the dark here.  As a test I'll try re-submitting the exact post minus the timestamp and then I'll update here what happens.  However I really prefer having the timestamp as it is simpler than describing where in the movie to find it (i.e. "In the scene at the office when XX is talking to XY after the third robbery...").

In the meantime can someone please help me out with this?

Here is a link to watch the movie streaming free on TUBI Goof is at the 19 mins and 30 sec mark exactly.

And 1st attempt contribution number:   240523-235940-528000

And 2nd attempt contribution number:  240525-113051-056000

And 3rd attempt 240526-211329-935000

41 Messages


918 Points

4 months ago

I updated it to include the number for the 3rd (rejected) attempt without the timestamp. 

Is there really no one out there with any advice on what I'm doing wrong here?  Am I choosing the wrong "Type" category?  Is it the inclusion of the dialogue being spoken in the scene?  Is it that I didn't hyperlink the actress?  Is it that I even used the actress's name (which I felt was necessary to differentiate there are 2 voices/same character)?  Or is this somehow just not considered a goof?

I really feel like I'm grasping at straws in the dark here.

155 Messages


2.4K Points

4 months ago

My suggestion Is that is beeing rejected becouse this is more something you are guessing then saying that is really is this way. As you are saying that

....it seem like......


41 Messages


918 Points

But I am not guessing.  Which is why I've included a link and timestamp to the movie and scene.  It's clear as day that those are two different voices coming from the same character within the same line of dialogue where one is obviously human and the second is obviously a robotic AI generated voice. 

Anyone that has ever listened to Siri or Alexa or any text-to-speech voice try and dictate information, or read aloud a text message, would instantly recognize: The over enunciation of each sound within a word while it's inflection jitters unnaturally up and down before hard-pausing on comma breaks like its Christopher Walken.

***edited to add*** Although I understand the point you're suggesting in that maybe it's the way I've phrased the information that may be an issue.  Like by saying that it "sounds like an Alexa" (because it does) it sounds like a guess, when maybe it should read more affirmative like "At first it's the voice of ABC then it suddenly changes to an AI-generated voice with the line, "temp included excerpt of dialogue".

Thank you for the suggestion, I'll try it on attempt #4 if I'm still not getting anyone from IMDb replying in to help.


41 Messages


1.4K Points

I watched the scene and the line sounds like DeWulf's voice, although slightly different from the lines before because it was ADR'ed, but it doesn't seem like a 2017 AI voice to me. But I have no knowledge of this beyond that, just my two cents on it.



14.2K Messages


328.1K Points


Since we don't know for sure what happened, maybe it would be better to say that the voice sounds different, which shows that it was added in post-production, and not speculate about the source. I agree that it is a goof.


41 Messages


918 Points

@Peter_pbn@capdeac​  Thank you both for taking the time to provide input.  You both make really good points since I didn't even take its year of release in 2017 into account and don't know if Alexas were even a thing back then.  Or how ubiquitous text-to-speech was at that time either.  So even if it does sound artificially generated it could very well just be a terrible ADR reading and I'll take your suggestion Peter and not speculate on the source, rather I'll just call to attention how notably jarring the difference is.


41 Messages


918 Points

4 months ago

Why is this marked as "solved"?  No one from IMDb has even chimed in to offer help.  I've just taken the suggestions by fellow IMDb users as to how to correct whatever is wrong, but all of us are still only guessing without any official input.  I've just submitted my 4th attempt and like all of the others it is stuck in the "pending will probably decline" cycle.

This shouldn't be solved until someone from IMDb solves it.



5.3K Messages


55.5K Points

4 months ago

Hi @talentest -

We do allow other users to be the ones to help, it seems to me @Peter_pbn and other users provided enough information to get your goof approved, reason why we marked solved.

If you have issues after following suggestions let us know.


41 Messages


918 Points

@Bethanny​ Hey Bethanny, my 4th attempt failed like all the others.  Can you tell me if these are declining because someone is looking at them and deciding that or is it automated?  I've had one other goof I tried to include also get declined and at this point it is just frustrating not knowing why.

41 Messages


918 Points

@Bethanny​ Hey I promise I am nearing the point of giving up without anyone from IMDb just officially reviewing one of my attempts to say what is incorrect about so I can quit guessing and re-submitting.  I'm making one more 5th attempt (with the timecode, hyperlinking Actress, without the quoted dialogue), then a 6th (with the timecode, hyperlinking Actress, with the quoted dialogue included), and a 7th (without a timecode, without hyperlinking Actress, without the quoted dialogue) before I dunno.

Just so frustrating not being able to get one person to just look this over and telling me why is this obvious to anyone who has seen it goof be routinely declined.

155 Messages


2.4K Points

@talentest​ manking several attempts after another on the same thing are only gping to ewsult in one thing. They are going to be declined automaticlly. As they are seen as being dublicats

41 Messages


918 Points

4 months ago

So my contribution was declined for not meeting contribution guidelines.  Does that mean I wrote it wrong, put it in the wrong "Type", or is it saying that this goof is not a goof?  Some clarification that anyone could provide would be welcomed.

Here is the GOOF that I submitted as a 'Revealing Mistake' for the movie BAD MATCH (2017):

@ 00h 19m the voice of Harris's boss clearly changes between lines. At first it is the voice of the actress who plays her (Noureen DeWulf)... then it suddenly sounds like an Alexa AI voice sniping in to say, "And I'm gonna need 500 words on Waldo's Scented Matches by Friday, got it?"

*edited to include my second attempt/second rejection as well, written with the suggested correction*

(at around 19 mins) The voice of Harris's boss clearly changes between lines. At first it is the voice of the actress who plays her (Noureen DeWulf) then it suddenly sounds like an Alexa AI voice sniping in with the line, "And I'm gonna need 500 words on Waldo's Scented Matches by Friday, got it?"

This HAS to count as a goof, right?  The character's voice switches from human to an AI 'text-to-speech' (that sounds exactly like an Alexa) within the very same block of dialogue, from one sentence to the next.  It is impossible not to notice.

What is it (again) that I can fix so I can re-re-submit this?

Here is a link to watch the movie streaming free on TUBI It is at the 19 mins and 34 sec mark exactly.

And 1st attempt contribution number:   240523-235940-528000

And 2nd attempt contribution number:  240525-113051-056000

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled *updated* GOOF DECLINED?! TWICE NOW? Seriously can someone help explain to me why? Please?



14.2K Messages


328.1K Points

Have you successfully used the format with the @ before? I would suggest changing it.


Please use the format (at around xx mins) or (at around xh xx mins).

41 Messages


918 Points

I dunno actually.  Hadn't considered that.  I'll try amending it with the formatting you quoted and see if that was the problem.

41 Messages


918 Points

@Peter_pbn​ Nope.  That didn't work either.  Got declined again as "Unable to verify" despite me providing a free link to the movie, a time code, and description.  I don't get it, I see so many nebulous "goofs" that got approved (like "He said over there but pointed over here") yet this particular goof isn't being accepted.



17.2K Messages


310.3K Points

Hi @talentest​ -

I viewed the scene a few times and the voice bit sounded like the same actress to me, as opposed to Alexa voice or Ai.  There was a slight voice inflection in the line, but it isn't so obvious that it was an unintentional error that pulls the viewer out of the world of the film.  So I would argue that this isn't eligible as a goof.