1 Message


70 Points

Wednesday, July 17th, 2024 1:58 PM


Sudden decrease in Ratings 7.2 - 6.0 (No Irregular Voting/Rating Activity)

My film The Troubles a Dublin Story, rating score was 7.2 on the 16.7.24 at 3:30pm. When I checked again approx 6:30pm, the film had received a rating of 6, but the title rating had dropped to 6.0. The weighted score remained the same of 7.0 and any which way I try to work out arithmetically, it does not add up, not make sense and I am wondering is this a glitch/error? if so can it be rectified? If not, could I get an explanation as to why this happened?

The film is live on SVOD about 14 days and is receiving regular scores from a 1 to 10s, generally in the 5 to 9 range, so no signs of irregular rating activity.

I would really appreciate some clarity and resolution on this matter.





2.3K Messages


23.5K Points

2 months ago

Hi lukapratzi!

Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

Our voting system already detects and defeats attempts to stuff the ballot and skew the rating, as demonstrated by the difference between the weighted average and the arithmetic mean on the vast majority of titles in the database. For additional information about IMDb ratings and weighted averages, please refer to our FAQ.
