2 Messages


80 Points

Wednesday, October 30th, 2024 8:13 PM


Synopsis Length?

I noticed a plot synopsis for a movie was exceptionally poorly written and not detailed. I submitted a correction/update that was denied for not meeting submission guidelines. As far as I can tell though, it meets submission guidelines as given on the IMDB Help>Contributions>Plot section. The only thing I can think of for its rejection is that it's longer than the original synopsis. Is there a limit for how long a plot synopsis can be?



2K Messages


20.1K Points

3 months ago

Hi @Axlordio,

Please can you provide us with the 18-digit submission reference for this contribution, so we can look into this for you. You can find this in your Contribution History.


2 Messages


80 Points


I suppose this would also be a good opportunity to get feedback on whether the writing is too specific? If that is the case then I'm happy to edit (and maybe ask for what a good example looks like)



17.6K Messages


314.9K Points

Hi @Axlordio​ -

You can review our Plot Synopsis guidelines and view an example on our Help Guide.  Regarding your submission, this was declined due to a processing error, I have now resubmitted and approved the changes.
