2 Messages


80 Points

Tuesday, September 3rd, 2024 9:41 AM


Title previously approved not in database when adding an award

I submitted a title on IMDb, and it was approved. But when I try to add an award on an event page, it is indicated that the title is not listed in the database. However, when I enter the Director's name, the title does appear under her name (which was created at the same time as the title) suggesting it indeed is in the database. How should I proceed?



7.4K Messages


275K Points

16 days ago

Laetitia: This problem often occurs when submitting an award if the film involved has a common title. For example, there are dozens of titles in the database titled Escape, at least five of them from 2024 alone. (See https://www.imdb.com/find/?q=escape&s=tt&exact=true.) When you enter a title in the awards section, you will get a choice of only 20 of them, and sometimes the film you are looking for will not be among the 20 suggestions.

In order to get the correct film selected, you need to specify it more precisely. There are two ways of doing that. 

  1. You can enter the film's official formatted IMDb title. This will often include a roman numeral. For example, one of the films titled Escape has the official IMDb title Escape (2024/II).
  2. You can enter the film's IMDb title constant. This is found as part of the URL on the film's page. For example, Escape (2024/II) is at https://www.imdb.com/title/tt30474003/ so its title constant is tt30474003. That is, in the Title box, instead of entering a title, enter the letters tt followed by the digits up to, but not including,, the next slash. When you click "Check these updates", the title constant will automatically be converted, and the title in IMDb format will automatically appear on the next screen. (This method is particularly helpful when the title is long or complex.)

Good luck!


2 Messages


80 Points


I used the title constant and it worked :)

Thank you very much for the support!
