3 Messages


90 Points

Monday, September 16th, 2024 7:51 AM


Unable to add on screen credit


I am hoping someone can help me. Myself and one other have roles in Nightsleeper and are credited on screen in the credits. I tried to submit this but it was declined, but perhaps I did it wrong as never done this before. Is someone able to assist please? I can't upload a photo but we both appear in the closing credits. We are also listed online, such as here under 'Victoria Station Announcer':


I am told we would be eligible to be added so I am not sure whyy request was declined, unless I filled it in wrong.




1.6K Messages


16.4K Points

3 days ago

Hi @mattthetrainguy,

Please can you provide us with your 18-digit submission reference so we can look into this for you? You can find this in your Contribution History.


3 Messages


90 Points

Hi @Ozzy​ 

Thanks for the reply. I believe it is 240915-232517-801000 from what I can see. Also, I haven't seen every episode yet but from looking at my scripts for what was recorded and what the director said, both me and Anne I believe are in all 6 episodes of the series (voiceovers, we don't appear visually). Certainly in the first episode as I watched that last night!





1.6K Messages


16.4K Points

Hi @mattthetrainguy,

Thank you for the submission reference.

Your contribution was declined because it was added to the series title page, and not the individual episodes for which you were credited as per our episodic credit policy. Please see our Help guide for more information.


3 Messages


90 Points

Hi Ozzy

That's very useful, thought it might have been something I did wrong! Sorry not done anything like this before. Do I need to submit 6 lots of changes then for each episode or can I do it all on one and put all 6 episodes on one?





5.3K Messages


55.5K Points

@mattthetrainguy​ Hi!

From the help guides linked by Ozzy you can see how to add them at once.
