24 Messages


478 Points

Monday, November 11th, 2024 12:00 AM


Unique release type rejected by system

Updating Information for Coupled Up for Christmas (2023) (TV) 

The following release types already exist: 

Release Date
Ukraine January 11, 2023(theatrical release)
Australia October 18, 2023(internet)
United States December 6, 2023(internet)
United States December 22, 2024

Thinking that the last one listed above might be Great American Family's TV premiere of this movie having been moved up from December to November, I initially tried to submit my entry as a correction to the last one listed above; but not knowing for sure what type it was supposed to be (possibly a theatrical release as in Ukraine), I tried a different approach. It wasn't until afterward that I saw, "For movies, an empty attribute field implies a nationwide theatrical release," which I suspected might be the case with this one. Consequently, I went to submit mine as a TV release, which is what it is and which is what I'd normally have done were it not for the specifically unspecified December release at its very entry in the list, unlike the one for Ukraine. 

My normal entry for a TV release date (not a wide, i.e., theatrical, release as suggested by the rejection):

"Premieres Sunday, November 10 at 8/7c" —Great American Family Coupled Up for Christmas

However, although there is no TV release listed at the top for the USA, your system rejected this. 

This item has been rejected. You need to correct this item before it will be accepted.

Duplicate release date.

It looks like you are attempting to add a wide release date for country USA. However we already have a date live for this country. Please review the existing data and if necessary, correct.

I'm submitting TV premiere dates for new movies all the time. Indeed, this has become my primary type of submissions. This is the first time I've run into this problem specifically. Thanks BTW for changing the amorphous "internet" type to the more focused, "On a streaming service...." 



14.5K Messages


331.6K Points

2 months ago

For a TV movie, the empty attribute field implies a TV release. So there is probably no reason to think there will be a theatrical release. You will probably have to correct the existing date.

24 Messages


478 Points

Done, but with a possible problem. I copied this, "'Premieres Sunday, November 10 at 8/7c' —Great American Family Coupled Up for Christmas," into the submission. Under normal conditions, I would have pasted the URL directly and the submission would have been approved fairly quickly; but here, the URL behind "Coupled Up for Christmas” didn't carry over (which I didn't notice in the dark of this morning until after I submitted), and your system doesn't allow corrections once submitted. Now, approval is on hold until tomorrow. We'll see what happens. 



17.6K Messages


314.9K Points

Hi @Hallmarkie​ -

You are welcome to post the 18-digit submission reference number here and our staff can take a look at the status.

24 Messages


478 Points

Submission # = #241111-114156-435000

The status is: 

 Declined (1)

Release DateEdit

USA22 December 2024
USA10 November 2024
Your Comment
"Premieres Sunday, November 10 at 8/7c" —Great American Family Coupled Up for Christmas
ReasonUnable to verify.

Your contribution has been declined.We have been unable to verify your contribution.

Unfortunately, we were unable to accept your submission as we were unable to verify the information provided.

Often, once the premiere has aired, the web link moves on to the next air date and leaves the premiere info in the dust. Fortunately, not in this case (so far). 

Coupled Up for Christmas

Premieres Sunday, November 10 at 8/7c


Too bad that your submission pages don't have the editing capabilities you have here. 



2.7K Messages


27.4K Points

Hello Hallmarkie,

The submission was rejected since you did not include evidence on the submission, therefore we were unable to verify the correction is right.

You can re submit with valid evidence anytime, we have instructions in our Help Articles.



2.7K Messages


27.4K Points

You will have to re submit the contribution and include the evidence for us to take a look for you!!