33 Messages


420 Points

Monday, May 27th, 2024 8:07 PM


Upgrade to principal

Hello. I was upgraded to principal on nore of Queens/Awifina in October of 2022. I submitted the copy of the email from the production supervisor about the contact. Do you re recieved it?

33 Messages


420 Points

4 months ago

I've unloaded the email from the production supervisor when I was upgraded to sign my contact to principal on nora of queens/awakifina in October of 2022? Did you receive it? Thank you

33 Messages


420 Points

I was not given a screen credit for when I was upgraded to principal on nora of queens and both episodes o. City on fire. My imdb credits on my indb. Curtis Alejandro Crowe..



7.4K Messages


275K Points

@769armow​ As I suggested below, please post your last full data submission here on this message board. You can copy it out of the receipt you would have received from IMDb by e-mail immediately after sending it in. Some of the regulars on the board may review it and, if they can, they may provide suggestions as to how to improve the submission to get it included in the database. (Also, please include the submission reference number -- it's an 18-digit number that will look something like 240123-123456-789000.)

Since you do have an IMDb page with credits on it, you should be able to get the "Nora from Queens" and "City on Fire" roles listed as (uncredited), as long as you were clearly visible and recognizable on screen.



7.4K Messages


275K Points

4 months ago

769: How would this affect how your credits are listed in IMDb? Please note that IMDb generally does not make distinctions between categories such as "Principal", "Co-Star", "Featured", etc. That's mostly relevant to an acting resume (see https://debmcalister.com/2015/01/21/5-unbreakable-acting-resume-rules/).

If you are a cast member on "Awkwafina is Nora from Queens" or any other TV series, IMDb will be more interested in what order your name appears in the credits of each episode (that is, 1st, 2nd, 3rd ....).

If this doesn't clarify things, please provide further details about what you need changed with regard to your listing on IMDb.


33 Messages


420 Points

4 months ago

On my imdb I'm not recieve credit. Apparently nora of queens did not give me a credit to the upgraded principal eventhough I was upgraded to principal. I was also upgraded twice on apple tv City on Fire in episodes 1 and 2where I can provide clips from the episodes. I also did not get a production credit but I'd like this to be added to my imdb.



7.4K Messages


275K Points

769: Were you listed in the on-screen credits of either of these shows? If yes, you should be able to get those credits listed on IMDb.

If not, have you been listed in the on-screen credits of any other title listed in IMDb? If so, you should be able to get your roles in "Awkwafina Is Nora from Queens" and "City on Fire" listed in IMDb with the (uncredited) attribute.

If you aren't listed in the on-screen credits of either "Nora from Queens" or "City on Fire", nor in any other title listed in IMDb yet, you may have to wait until you have an on-screen credit before you can get your work listed in the database. See https://help.imdb.com/article/contribution/filmography-credits/i-worked-on-a-title-but-did-not-receive-a-screen-credit-can-it-be-listed-on-imdb/G3BDEA5Y4U9LP9BW#, especially paragraph 2.

If you already have credits listed on IMDb for other work you have done, the above advice will not necessarily be relevant to you. If so, please post your last full data submission here on this message board. You can copy it out of the receipt you would have received from IMDb by e-mail immediately after sending it in. Some of the regulars on the board may review it and, if they can, they may provide suggestions as to how to improve the submission to get it included in the database. (Also, please include the submission reference number -- it's an 18-digit number that will look something like 240123-123456-789000.)

However, being "upgraded to principal" is not going to be a key factor here. What we are most concerned with is whether and where you were listed in the on-screen credits of these shows.

33 Messages


420 Points

4 months ago

Do you have any idea when I will receive credit on imdb for nora and 2 episodes as uncredited principal on Apples City on Fire? When will I see it on my imdb?

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Principal credit on my imdb



7.4K Messages


275K Points

@769armow​ Please post your last full data submission here on this message board. You can copy it out of the receipt you would have received from IMDb by e-mail immediately after sending it in. Some of the regulars on the board may review it and, if they can, they may provide suggestions as to how to improve the submission to get it included in the database. (Also, please include the submission reference number -- it's an 18-digit number that will look something like 240123-123456-789000.) 

33 Messages


420 Points

Can some explain how I can added headshot to my imdb. Been on imdb and doesn't say...Please be a explain for layman. Thanks

33 Messages


420 Points

4 months ago

Data submission? I've already done this. I've submitted a screenshot of the of the email for the contract for the principal upgrade on for Nora of Queens on evidents to show credit for filming. Remember I absolutely not familiar with how to submitted evidence on imdb. I'm trying to do this not knowing or understanding how to submit evidence. Is there a phone number where I can speak to someone so there can walk me through the steps?

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Adding credits



7.4K Messages


275K Points

Curtis: I'm assuming you submitted some kind of data to IMDb to get your credits listed. I'm not talking about the a copy of the e-mail for the principal upgrade -- that's evidence to support your data submission, but it's different from the data submission itself. The data submission itself is the information you are submitting to IMDb to have listed in the database.

Go to https://contribute.imdb.com/updates/history/. Do you have any data submissions listed there -- especially the ones for "Nora from Queens" or "City on Fire"? If so, click the "Track Contribution" button for your most recent submission for those show. Once you click that, you should see a copy of your submission, as well as information about whether it was accepted or not and possibly why not. Copy everything from that page below the words "Your Contribution" -- including the 18-digit reference number -- and post it here into a message in this thread.

There isn't any telephone support for IMDb; you are best off posting information here in this thread in hopes that an IMDb staffer will be able to assist you.


33 Messages


420 Points

How do I post data here on community imdb? Please explain to a laymanwhich is me. I'm not familiar with imdb uploads. Can i show as a screenshot from my phome? I have screenshots of the paycheck stubs for principal ungrades from both episodes of city on fire and nora for 2022. The contacts that were given to me and I signed both expired on docusign. 

33 Messages


420 Points

4 months ago

The contribution page said it was rejected cause both nora of queens and city on fire didn't meet criteria. I have the email upgrade contract from the production supervisor from noraand the film clip from city on fire to show the principal upgrades. Why was it rejected ? Also where can I submit more evidence? Please went explain how I submit evidence, exactly for layman like myself tell where I go to submit. I'm not on indb alot so I'm very unfamiliar with the app.



7.4K Messages


275K Points

Curtis: I had hoped that you would post your full data submission here, but I guess that's not going to happen. You will probably have to wait for an IMDb staffer to see this thread and help you with this problem.

33 Messages


420 Points

4 months ago

I have the paycheck studs for when I was upgraded to principal on nora of queens and city on fire. Can I submit a screenshot as proof paycheck studs for the principal upgrades. Both upgrades were in 2022. Can someone explain where I submit a screenshot from my phone of the stubs. I also have movie clips from the shows. 

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Principal EMT/Paramedic upgrades

33 Messages


420 Points

4 months ago

I submitted a copy of my signed contact when I was upgraded to principal on Appletv City on fire/brasstatics episode 1 to have it added to my imdb. It was rejected. Why?

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Trying to get a credit added to my imdb



1.6K Messages


16.5K Points

Hi @769armow,

Please provide us with the 18-digit submission reference for your declined contributions so we can look into this for you. You can find these in your Contribution History or your email receipts.


33 Messages


420 Points

#referance 240530-173848-612000 and #240530-173739-460000

33 Messages


420 Points

4 months ago

The reference number is #240529-021113-394000. I submitted  screenshots of my contact when I upgraded as first responder. My role was an emt/Paramedic. I'm a real first responder. The decline says my screenshot of my contact for City on Fire/brasstatics doesn't criteria. I mean I was upgraded as principal emt on episodes 1 and 2. I don't have a screen credit but i should be able to have one on my imdb. I have screen clips of me on the show for more evidence. I should get a imdb credit on my profile

 What's up?

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled City on fire credit



1.6K Messages


16.5K Points

Hi @769armow,

Thank you for your submission reference. I can see that your contribution was declined because you are attempting to add your credit to the series title page and not the individual episodes you worked/credited on as per our episodic credit guidelines. Please re-submit your credit addition to each individual episode page, with the evidence previously supplied for our editors to review and process.


33 Messages


420 Points

I resubmitted the request for a credit for both City on Fire/brasstatics espisode1and season1 and nora of queens season3 esposide 6. With clipboard of my signed contact, paystubs clips of me on the shows as emt/Paramedic. The reference #for both submissions are #240530-173848-612000.  #240530-173739-460000

33 Messages


420 Points

I was rejected. Why?

155 Messages


2.4K Points

@769armow​ Well! Chill a littel. It normaly take more time then 1h to get a respond. And I can't watch your submissition number. As I'm just a ordinary contribution. But! Did you put uncredit after your name when you made your submisstion?



1.6K Messages


16.5K Points

Hi @769armow,

Your submissions #240530-173848-612000 & #240530-173739-460000 were both declined again because you are attempting to add these credits to the parent series page and not the specific individual episodes which you worked on. Please re-submit your credit addition to each individual episode page, with the evidence previously supplied for our editors to review and process. You can find more information on episodic credits in our Help guide.


33 Messages


420 Points

Ozzy. I read you're reply. Thanks for the help. Wow. I need a master degree on how to figure out the imdb to add a credit on imdb. I though getting cast on a major TV show was difficult. Trying to get a credit on imdb is a cluster..Ok...It says I have to join. Become imdbpro. So other words I have to pay to get an added credit? 



1.6K Messages


16.5K Points

Hi @769armow,

No, you do not need join IMDbPro to add this credit. Please follow the instructions on our Help page: How do I add an episodic credit? to add your uncredited credits. If you were involved in multiple episodes, you will need to follow the second set of instructions in the guide.


33 Messages


420 Points

So I got the show which City on fire. I put down the role. Which was emt/Paramedic. I put down the season and esposide which was season 1 esposide 1. And I put down uncredited. I have not submitted it yet. Is this what I have to do to get uncredited, credit for episodic show City of Fire

33 Messages


420 Points

4 months ago

I would like to be given an imdb to give to give me a uncredited on my imdb for Season 1 espisode1 for City on Fire/brasstatics and season 3 espisode 6 for nora of queens/awikifina. I was not given a screen credit for these 2 shows but I was upgraded to principa as emt/Paramedic. I've submitted as proof a copy of my signed dayplayer contact for City on Fire/brasstatics and a paystub day player from Nora from Queens as a clipboard. The reference #240530-173848-612000.  #240530-173739-460000

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Add to my imdb as uncredited additions from City of Fire and nora of queens



17.2K Messages


310.3K Points

4 months ago

Hi @769armow -

I re-submitted the episode credit on your behalf and can confirm that it was approved and is now listed on your IMDb page.  If you would like to review the submission and see how it was formatted I encourage you to review your Contribution History (look for Contribution #240531-185501-363000).


33 Messages


420 Points

4 months ago

Thank you Michelle. Appreciate it. Did I recieve credits for City on Fire and Nota from Queens?



2.3K Messages


23.5K Points

Hello 769armow

The credit for "City on Fire" is already live and listed in the page, you have to submit the credit for " Nota from Queens" in the episode that you participated.

Please follow the instructions on our Help page: How do I add an episodic credit?.

33 Messages


420 Points

Will do. Thanks