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1.3K Points
Video Game Release Dates - When DLC becomes a Standalone Game
Presently, the entry for the standalone game Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep: A Wonderlands One-shot Adventure is showing the Certification/Rating for the Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep DLC/expansion release along with its date, which precedes the standalone game. I have twice tried correcting the video game's rating/certification (as the ESRB rating for the DLC and standalone are different), but they have been rejected as either "Does not meet contribution guidelines" or "Unable to verify".
- #241030-110707-962000 & #241114-064347-488000 - Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep: A Wonderlands One-shot Adventure: Rating T (for Teen) -- this is the correct rating for the standalone version of the game; Rating with M (for Mature) and "2013" attribute -- this rating entry needs to be deleted as it is for the 2013 DLC/Expansion for Borderlands 2 and the standalone game was never rated M. or rated 8 years prior to its release.
- #241030-110413-367000 - Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep: A Wonderlands One-shot Adventure: standalone release date November 9, 2021, (DLC/expansion release date June 25, 2013) -- FIXED
- Also, Grand Theft Auto Online (2013) (VG) was corrected and is now showing the correct release date of 15 March 2022, but it still has the 2013 date showing in the title information. -- FIXED
The current IMDb policy regarding video games is that DLC/expansion packs get treated as being part of the parent game, whereas standalone games are separate entities. Ergo, DLC/expansions (no matter how big or popular) do not get their own page, but standalone games do. That seems easy enough.
The problem arises when popular DLC/expansion content gets its own standalone release and is no longer dependent on the parent video game to be played. This notably occurred with GTA Online and Red Dead Online, which were initially DLC releases requiring Grand Theft Auto V and Red Dead Redemption II respectively before being release as standalone games in their own right.
Per Michelle ( Employee) response to a post by mbmb:
"The Release Date for these title's should reflect the date as to when the online version became it's own separate game. I have also requested an update to our Help Guides to address this unique and specific release details."
17.6K Messages
314.9K Points
1 month ago
Hi @thebluetuna -
Just following-up on this older post, my apologies for the delay. I reviewed the title page for Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep: A Wonderlands One-shot Adventure, and can confirm that the incorrect 2013 release date has since been removed.