20 Messages


290 Points

Sunday, August 11th, 2024 7:45 PM


Why was my review for FOP: A New Wish decline?

I received a message that my review for Fairly Oddparents: A New Wish was declined for not meeting eligible criteria. What do you mean "not meeting eligible criteria?!" I talked about the show, I stayed within the characters limit, and I made sure there were no spoilers! What could I have possibly done to be denied my right to express my opinion on this show?! -.-

20 Messages


290 Points

1 month ago

Contribution: #240810-123906-887204

20 Messages


290 Points

1 month ago




5.3K Messages


55.5K Points

1 month ago

Hi @a34trgv1 -

Your review is in breach of our guidelines regarding "Name calling..." please review our guidelines and make sure review sticks to them to avoid it being rejected.


20 Messages


290 Points

So even though it's objectively true that Butch Hartman is a weasel and Kyle Carrozza is a predator, I can't call them that without my review getting taken down. Thanks, I hate it -.-