7 Messages
194 Points
Wrong poster thumbnail
Hi. I don’t know why this is happening, but the movie poster for ‘Holofote’ (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt32780021/) shows perfectly fine on the movie page, but displays a different thumbnail whenever we see it from the profile of someone who worked there. Example: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm16302889/
Can someone please help, please?
17.6K Messages
314.9K Points
2 months ago
Hi @tiagomatos21 -
I reviewed the title page and the name page of the crew member you referenced, however, I am seeing the same poster thumbnail.
I suspect that you might be seeing a localized poster image on the title page. Can you check the pages again and if you are still seeing different thumbnail posters, can you take screen shots and post them here for our staff to review?
17.6K Messages
314.9K Points
29 days ago
Hi @tiagomatos21 -
Following up here now that I have the details directly from the tech team.
For the duplicate "Known For" display on the mobile app, it is showing twice because it is their only credit, so it gets recognized as a "Known For" and as a "Known for" tied to the role. To help explain this, the app identifies the section in two ways:
• Known For: this is the main category for prominent work the person is recognized for
• “Known For” tied to the role: the system also recognizes that this single credit is tied to a specific role, so it creates a second “Known” for entry.
So for example, if I had only one credit as a Producer on Wicked, Wicked would appear twice on my mobile app page "Known For" section.
For the inconsistent posters display issue (for the same "Known For" title), because we are using different sources for the separate "Known For" items (one is localized), this is why the poster display differs and cannot be changed. The team confirmed that this is a known issue and a fix is in the works for the coming year.
I hope this information helps clarify the display!