1 Message


70 Points

Saturday, June 18th, 2022 11:51 AM

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Adult movie from decades ago

It's a very specific scene.

It's two adults, naked, having sex.

In bedroom. Red colored/theme.

Towards the end, the woman starts growing wings as she climaxes.

I have no idea what it was.

A second movie that I can't remember, is some type of monster movie.

Something that resembles a tentacle or penis monster (because it kinda resembles it).

At the very end of the movie, you faintly see it and hear a woman moaning.

This is all I remember and can piece together for the movies.

2 Messages


80 Points

2 years ago

Second movie sounds like it might be Possession (1981)?  No idea about the first movie. In Splice (2009) there's a scene where a woman sprouts wings while having sex in a barn.

2.7K Messages


47K Points

2 years ago

Is the second movie The Being (1981)?

2.7K Messages


47K Points

2 years ago

Another possibility for the second movie:

The Strangeness (1985)