4 Messages


100 Points

Sunday, March 3rd, 2024 8:04 AM



Can anyone help with a Sci-Fi movie title?

What is the movie? Two pilots land on a planet, inhabited by people who look human. It turns out the society is dystopian.

The men are weighed and one of the men is taken away because he is “overweight”. The movie also shows a lottery game. Anyone whose number comes up on a big public screen is hunted by the civilian population. It shows one family watching the game on TV. The son’s number comes up. The dad yells something like “Run, son! Run!” He is chased by people with baseball bats.

Eventually, the main character manages to escape the planet on a spacecraft.

22 Messages


316 Points

7 months ago

It does not 100% match your description, but I think this is the movie you are looking for:


I think it might be available per You-tube. You can also see trailers.

4 Messages


100 Points

Thanks for replying. I think the movie is pre 2000. I think it is American, maybe British. Not Asian. It may have been a made for TV movie. I saw it a long time ago. Both of the 2 who landed on the planet were men. I am trying to remember something more, some more scenes ...


22 Messages


316 Points


I have a feeling this is it, but as I said, not 100% accurate with your description. Do you by any chance remember how old the son was and what happened?

4 Messages


100 Points

7 months ago

Thanks. I will check it out.

4 Messages


100 Points

7 months ago

Yes. that's the one! "Tempting Fate (1998)"

22 Messages


316 Points

@Mugless​ Glad you found it! Welcome to help.