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Tuesday, January 30th, 2024 5:07 PM

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Comical spurting of blood in 007 type film

A film I believe may be Italian. A black comedy. It could have been made in the 60's or later. I saw it on UK TV in the 80's as a kid. The only Scene I remember is a large room with a pool or bodies of water - sort of Sean Connery's James Bond villains lair style decadence!

Male Protagonist is finishing off the villains in the room - 'Kill Bill' style, but with a gun or shotgun. As the victims lay wounded or dead, comical blood sprays from their bodies like fountains high in the air. The image in my head is that the villains were dressed in black and wore sunglasses. But that may be a false memory. I remember being startled at the scene because of the mass of blood, but also slightly amused.

My first viewing of 'Kill Bill Vol 1 apkzity' and seeing the comical blood spurt from limbs, made me think of the film in question. I just supposed the scene influenced Tarantino. However, I don't see it in any of the films that he mentions as an influence. Unless I have not looked well enough.

Another image I recall, - although I may be mixing up scenes from another movie, is that one villain gets his head blown off and either his brains or eyes (or both) land on a dinner plate.

Thank you for any help.

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