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Sunday, March 5th, 2023 7:25 PM

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Does anyone (of the baby boomer generation: born between 1946 and 1964) remember the old British children's film Children Film Fundation?

Hello to all readers,
does anyone remember the old
British cff children's films?In 1948 the first film was
produced, the bush Christmas
(The Children of Mara Mara.
By the end of the 1960s, many
agreed that the best films were being shown, including thefts,
minor criminal offenses
committed by adults that were
observed by children, such as
“The famous Five” from the
1970s. (Enid Blyton)
There were underground passages,treasure hunts, castles...
Mystery, very excitingly staged.Here is a selection from the
good old days:
the secret of the mine,
1959 (dvd)
Treasure Island (1964, dvd):
(the first film adaptation of
the famous five)
The Four Winds Island (the most searched film of the series) in England some parts of it are
missing. A Mystery.
Secret matter five - a treasure in the monastery ruins (dvd)
the spooky castle 1965(no dvd, fans 2nd most searched for, film in the series)
Adventures in Malta(very searched in forums)

The Young Jacobites (dvd)
In the Bay of Kitty Hawk(also very wanted)
In the Valley of the Kings (dvd)

The dragon castle

Here are List from the beginning
german/Original title:

1. Die Sache mit der Schatzinsel (ca. 1957,
Five on a Treasure Island)

2. Jenny im Hopfenkamp
(Adventure in the Hopfields,

3. Die kleine Ballerina (1948)

4. Detektiv wider Willen
(Daylight Robbery, 1965)

5. Das fliegende Auge
(The Flying Eye, 1955)

6. Die Flut kommt
(The Rescue Squad, 1963)

7. Das Geheimnis des Moenchs
(The Ghost of Monk's Island,

8. DAs Geheimnis der Vogelinsel (1954), Mystery on Bird Island

9. Der geheimnisvolle Forst
(1956),the secret Forest

10. Der geheimnisvolle Tunnel
(The Secret Tunnel, 1947)

11. Die gestohlenen Plaene
(The Stolen Plans, 1952)

12. Ins Netz gegangen
(Caught in the Net, 1960)

13. Der Junge aus Kanada
(The Kid from Canada, 1957)

14.Kaept'n Wright, bitte melden (Countdown to Danger, 1967)

15. Kampf um die Seehundinsel
(Seal Island, 1977)

16. Der Schatz in der Muehle
(Treasure at the Mill, 1957)

17. Sturmflut (The Flood, 1963)

18. Tim bleibt auf der Faehrte
(Tim Driscoll's Donkey, 1955)

19. Von Booten, Fischen und
kleinen Pferden
(The Big Catch,1967)

20. Werkspionage
(Wings of Mystery, 1963)

21. Kinder, Gauner und ein
(Runaway Railway, 1965)

22. Die Katzenbande
(The Cat Gang, 1959)

23. Seereise mit Hindernissen
(Danger Point, 1971)

24. Der Schatz des Davey Jones
(Davey Jones' Locker, 1966)

25. Diamanten an Bord
(Hunted in Holland, 1961)

26. Die Kinder von Mara Mara
(Bush Christmas, 1947)

27. Aufnahme 63 fehlt!
(The Case of the missing Scene, 1951)

28. Der Weihnachtsbaum
(The Christmas Tree, 1966)

29. Operation Third Form
(Unternehmen 3. Klasse, 1966)

30. Flucht ueber die Pyrenaeen
(The Piper's Tune, 1962)

31. Das Seifenkistenrennen
(The Soap Box Derby, 1958)

32. Achtung bissiger Hund/
Die Dogge Junia
(Beware of the Dog 1964) dvd

33. Zirkusfreunde
(Circus Friends, 1956)

34. Gefahr fuer den Guy
(Peril for the Guy, 1955)

Several DVDs were also released in German several years ago
thanks to Mr. Schaffner(then tv
editor from the german-station
pro 7), unfortunately without
much advance notice and only on online sites such as Amazon.
It is also thanks to him that
several cff films were repeated ontv in the 90s.Numerous DVDs/boxes with severalfilms per dvd were also releasedin the country of origin Great
Britain. The cff bumber triple
box 4 from the British dvd label"bfi" was recently launched a
second time. At the German
Amazon there was no announcementabout it, the second edition
should actually come.It's worth subscribing to the
"bfi newsletter", which is the
only place I've received and
disseminated the news with a

Ambush at Devil's Gap"
(Das unheimliche Schloss, 1966)
(very screpy) no DVDs.

Geheimsache fünf
(Five Clues to Fortune) 
GB, 1957 , dvd.

In the forum "tv forum" you 
can register  free of charge 
with other participants and
exchange information about the
great old film series and other topics.
New prospects are always
welcome. or share this link withother interested parties.
i sorry that what I wrote was a bit much.
maybe some of you remember the
great hours of tv back then.I'm looking forward to your
kind regards
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