5 Messages


120 Points

Sunday, May 8th, 2022 2:54 AM

No Status

earlier version of Pi, the original

Before the commercialised version of Pi, there was an original, set, I if I recall properly, in Jerusalem, and far more focused on the numerology surrounding the Torah than the commercialised slap against Wall Street and Chabad.  It was, in fact, even a bit darker and the protagonist is killed in the end.  I saw it in the UK on a rented CD.  I would like to find a copy online OR even to be bought through a distributor.  Can you help, please?

5 Messages


120 Points

3 years ago

Also, because every reference to the later Pi movie has (1998) after it, what is the year of the original, as it is implied by that specification?

2.7K Messages


47K Points

3 years ago

I don't believe it's correct that there was an earlier version of this film. If that were true, there would be some reference to the film at these links:



5 Messages


120 Points

@keyword_expert​ Not if Aronofsky bought the film, book and all the rights and buried it.  I SAW THE FILM IN THE LATE 90'S OFF A RENTED DVD IN THE UK.. I KNOW IT EXISTED AT THAT TIME. 
PLEASE, this is not conjecture based on the (1998) notation correctly signifying its remake status, but looking for the film that I and my wife saw and which impressed us, unlike most of Aronofsy's hyperbole commercial remake.

Thank you for your input, but it is not on, this time.  Were I guessing that would be one thing, but having seen the original and far preferring it as it was almost solely about Torah Gerimatria, we understand the difference between the far more academic version and the commercial remake.  Thanks, anyway.

2.7K Messages


47K Points

@nyuszika45​ And under your conspiracy theory, are we supposed to believe that Aronofsky also completely wiped the Internet clean of any reference to this supposed earlier version? Maybe he also erased the memories of everyone on the planet except you and your wife? Do I have it right now?

5 Messages


120 Points

Derision is about as intelligent a response as your original one.



7.5K Messages


182.3K Points

3 years ago

@nyuszika45  Are you thinking of The Omega Code (1999) here? It was released around the same time and is unrelated to Pi but it seems to fit your description. 

5 Messages


120 Points

@Col_Needham​  Thank you.  I've seen the previews for that film and aside from it being colour and Pi in B&W, the original Pi is about Torah gematria and Kabbalah, the search for answers torturing a numeric genius, the latter point being thematically consistent with the remake.

If I hadn't seen and remembered, somewhat, the original I'd be curious about my claim, but my wife and I were not regular DVD renters at that time in the UK, so it is far more memorable for its unique situation, perhaps. 

Thank you for your kind suggestion.