1 Message
70 Points
Help me find that movie
it is a movie that shows a world where men and robots live together and at one point the robots turn against humans and spread terror on Earth. There are two scenes that come to mind: the first is a scene where several robots had saws or chainsaws in their hands and they were cutting up humans who were hiding from the robots, and the other scene is a scene where a robot crushes a man's head with his fingers. It's an old movie because I saw it when I was little (I'm 19) and I have memories that it was a pretty gory movie. Thanks to those who will take the time to search :)
2 Messages
70 Points
10 months ago
I think you are talking about Will Smith's " I Robot"
20 Messages
330 Points
10 months ago
It's not Class of 1999 is it?