2 Messages
80 Points
Help me find this erotic thriller
Hello! I'm wondering if anyone can help ID this movie as I know watching this type of low budget trash rots your brain cells but I don't have many left by now so a few more won't matter...
I saw this movie listed in the TV Times magazine in the 90s. It was listed as an erotic thriller but I can only remember one sex scene (on a car at the beginning I think)
It featured a storyline focusing on a detective who, after being pistol whipped, quips "doesn't anybody shoot people anyone anymore?"
Thanking you in advance
51 Messages
948 Points
2 years ago
Try this link: imdb.com/search/title/
2 Messages
80 Points
2 years ago
Thanks but that doesn't help as I cant remember enough details about the movie to search for it.
123 Messages
1.5K Points
2 years ago
I think a good place to start might be to review https://www.imdb.com/list/ls031558984/
This is a list of 90s erotic thrillers.
This may spark a memory or even lead to the title possibly.
Happy hunting.