7 Messages
314 Points
Help me to remember a an early 90's film from a scene
One thing I hate about getting older is forgetting films I have seen. Its been annoing me for the last week so I have come to ask for help with little information I have.
All I remember is a scene where a man trying to impress a women at a stadiam (possibly baseball) and he changes the scoreboard to a message she reads which she appreciates with a electrical gadget.
For some reason I believe the man is trying to get his innocent brother released from prison and the message is either about that and he is some kind of undercover hero? Once the women reads the message she then understands who the man is?
Not a lot to go on, but hopefully someone can understand what I am on about.
Accepted Solution
157 Messages
2.6K Points
1 year ago
Probably not it, but your description made me think of the 1985 movie "Turk 182"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5DmSjWt4_w (movie trailer)