25 Messages


422 Points

Monday, March 29th, 2021 11:53 AM



I cant remember the title of this movie. can someone help?

A few years ago I saw a movie that I cannot remember its title today. Near the beginning, it has aliens attack a human outpost to steal a device that has and or can teleport a fleet to or near earth's solar system. A ship (battleship?) finds out and has to try to jump back to Earth, but from where they are the jumps will take too long. There is another ship that has a pilot that has an uncanny sense to find jump points. The captain is nurturing this ability. (He knows why his pilot can do this.) they join up with the ship headed to earth. they find out that the pilot's parents were born in space. These people have distanced, maybe had a war(?) from earth, and are not trusted. 
He gains enough trust for him to guide them to a jump point that will allow them to intercept the aliens and save the earth. I can picture so much of this movie, but not much more than this for the plot. Can anyone recognize the movie from this description?

Accepted Solution

180 Messages


3.2K Points

3 years ago

Based on the plot synopsis, it looks like this is Wing Commander (1999).  

25 Messages


422 Points

3 years ago

This is still bothering me today. Both the lead Captains of the Battleship and the other ship are fairly famous foreign actors. I have sketchy memories of seeing both of them in fairly popular roles and yet, I still cannot find any movie they are in to be able to see their work on IMDB to find this movie. 

25 Messages


422 Points

2 years ago

Yes it was Wing Commander. Thank You. 

25 Messages


422 Points

2 years ago

I am surprised at how accurate my description was. I had searched movie finding sites and none of them brought up Wing Commander. I had come across it in Sci Fi general searches but the trailer to the movie did not strike a cord. I was surprised that I forgot about two actors I could have easily backed into this movie by looking at their filmography history on IMDB, Jürgen Prochnow and David Warner. I am not a great fan of David's but I did meet him at a convention and he was very interesting to talk to.