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Monday, March 4th, 2024 7:42 AM

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Identifying an old Technicolor romance

I remember when I was a kid watching a Technicolor film, perhaps even more than once, on TV with my entire family.  I'm guessing this was late 1970s-early 1980s, and from the look of the color, it was probably made no later than the 1940s, judging from the look of the color. What sticks out in my memory is a turquoise living room with a bright red couch, probably with velvet upholstery. I'm pretty sure that there was also a grand piano in the room.  I think the man was wearing a tuxedo, so it probably wasn't set too far back in the past relative to when it was made.  It was a scene of passionate kissing, and I believe they ended up lying on the floor behind the couch, although the camera followed them there and kept it very much PG, as the man never even loosened his collar, but I guess being a little kid at the time, I remember it best for the bright contrasting colors.  I have no idea who the actors were.  I assume this is a fairly well known film given it was being shown on TV at a time when my entire family would be watching.

We definitely watched it in the first house I lived in, so it would have to have been a film that was showing on TV in 1983 or earlier.  It was definitely an English-language Hollywood production, and probably quite a lavish one.  We did not own a VCR until 1989.

I've been wanting to identify this film for years. I recently viewed Meet Me in St. Louis (Vicente Minnelli, 1944) and Life with Father (Michael Curtiz, 1947), and I was reminded of it by the look of the color in those films.

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