4 Messages
124 Points
Looking for a movie I saw here 30 years ago?
It starts out with a family trying to survive a nuclear war fast forward a man dressed as a dog and the family let him live under the house and he acts like a dog running people off. The father tries to make him stand up telling him he is a man at no avail.
Fast forward to the end, the family was starving and the boy says people in the east eat dogs. The father gets his gun and the family argues no its a man the father said no its a dog as he goes out to kill the day the movie ends.
I would love to see it again or possibly downloaded for my collection
157 Messages
2.6K Points
2 years ago
Probably not it, but have you eliminated the 1975 movie "A Boy and His Dog"?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iTJglRn9pcc (Full Movie)
123 Messages
1.5K Points
2 years ago
Just checking on some more details - is this color? What nationality/language? So you saw the movie like late 1980s, early 1990s?