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292 Points

Monday, April 22nd, 2024 8:36 AM

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Looking for the title of a movie or made-for-TV movie about a teen romance...

I saw it on daytime television around 1982 or so. A movie or possibly a made-for-TV movie, and it's definitely a United States production.

Details that I can remember (it's a bit sketchy in my memory):... A teenage boy develops a crush on a newly arrived classmate, her family having recently moved to the local area. He is shy and hesitant to approach her. She is attractive, quickly becomes popular, and catches the attention of an older student who has a car (convertible I think). The teen boy has a dream in his sleep, where he witnesses this teen girl and the older student who are out on a date have a car accident. In the dream (which is depicted as a fuzzy "Fantasy sequence"), the teen boy then proceeds to rescue the teen girl, literally carrying her away from the smoking vehicle. Eventually, the boy approaches the girl at school, and awkwardly attracts her attention. It gradually becomes apparent that she likes him. They kiss and it soon leads to teen make out sessions (... **however believe me - this is no higher than a 'PG' (USA certification) rated production, adult themes but I'm absolutely certain no sex or nudity**).

As the movie begins to conclude, the girl's parents tell her that they've decided to move their family away from this local area (far away, for her father's job I think). Both the boy and girl are heartbroken, but determined to spend as much time together as possible until she leaves.

..... Now here's the real kicker, I cannot remember how it ends! What happens, or whether it was happy, sad, or somewhere in the middle.

Additional details:... It was relatively contemporary to when I saw it, which again was circa 1982. I suppose it could have been made from about 1976 onwards, based upon the impression I got at the time... I can't recall any big stars, or even well-known or familiar faces in the cast... It was lower budget, but certainly not bottom of the barrel. I would actually be quite surprised if it wasn't a made-for-TV movie.

**Note**: It is not Endless Love (1981)

Thanks very much for anything that you're able to contribute and/or suggest.

Accepted Solution

13 Messages


292 Points

5 months ago

Hi All,

Further to my OP question:... On a whim, I decided to feed my question to Google Gemini (their AI chatbot, an equivalent of ChatGPT) to see if it could find the title. Very interesting results to say the least, see below..... 

Google Gemini's Answer:

"The movie you're describing very well could be 'My Dream Date' (1980)

Here's why the details align:

  • Timing and Production: Released in 1980, which fits your memory of seeing it around 1982 and being a contemporary production at the time.
  • Lower Budget & Made-for-TV: It wasn't a major theatrical release and has the characteristics of a made-for-TV movie.
  • Teenage Crush Story: A shy teen boy falls for a new attractive classmate, she becomes popular, and there's a rival with a car.
  • Dream Sequence & Rescue: The movie features a dream sequence where the boy rescues the girl from a car accident.
  • Awkward Romance & PG Rating: The relationship develops with awkwardness and innocent teenage make-out scenes, but definitely within PG boundaries.
  • Moving Away & Bittersweet Ending: The girl's family relocates for her father's work, leaving them heartbroken but spending their last moments together. The ending might be left open-ended.

While there's always a chance it could be another movie, 'My Dream Date' strongly aligns with your recollection based on the details you provided.

Here are some suggestions to help you confirm if it is 'My Dream Date':

  • You can search for the movie online using the title and year. This might lead you to descriptions, images, or even trailers that could jog your memory.
  • Look for the cast. Even though you don't remember any big names, seeing the actors might spark a recognition.

If 'My Dream Date' isn't it, the details you provided are very specific. With some additional searching online using keywords from your synopsis, you might be able to find the movie you're looking for!"

So now, I've been searching for information on 'My Dream Date' (1980), and so far I've found literally zero... It is not listed on IMDb (nor under any similar titles, or anything else in that year that is even remotely similar), and I've been wading through Google Search results for a couple of days now, using " " and + search tools, still to no avail.

..... I'll close my OP question for now, and mark this post as the accepted answer... If anyone can tell me anything at all about this obscure title, or perhaps point me in the direction of a weblink that might help, please feel free to let me know.

Thanks and cheers.

1 Message


60 Points

5 months ago

Is it "The Girl, the Gold Watch & Everything" I know its a made for TV movie that released in 1980 about practically what you said.

13 Messages


292 Points

Thanks for your suggestion. I checked on IMDb, and watched a trailer on YouTube. But unfortunately, this is definitely not the title I remember.

13 Messages


292 Points

[Deleted my reply]
