1 Message
70 Points
Movie where a school separates boys and girls
I'm going crazy trying to remember a movie/ I have searched my Netflix History and can't find it. I'm not even sure that's where I saw the movie. I'm looking for a movie where a school separates boys and girls into separate parts of the school. They are kept apart and not allowed to touch. However, a boy and girl like each other and a relationship forms. The only major thing I can remember is that they decide to go to a restaurant or a cafe, and while they're sitting at the table, they touch hands and the lights in the building glow much brighter almost to the point of blowing them out. I know it's not much to go on, but if anyone can point me in the right direction, I would greatly appreciate it!
123 Messages
1.5K Points
1 year ago
Probably a long shot - but there is this sort of futuristic movie called The Giver > https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0435651/?ref_=nm_flmg_t_10_act
45 Messages
684 Points
1 year ago
Simpsons Did It!
10.7K Messages
225.5K Points
1 year ago
When was the movie made or released?