7 Messages


150 Points

Tuesday, January 2nd, 2024 1:53 PM

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Need Help Finding This Obscure 80s or 90s Underground Fight To The Death Movie

Hey Everyone

I'm wondering if you all could help me find a movie from back in the day... I have been trying to find this movie for years since I was a kid it’s killing me I watched it when I was young on TV, I don’t think it had big actors in it but it was like this mortal kombat cross bloodsport type of movie and it was like an underground tournament fight syndicate like a fight club it’s set in the late 80s or mid 90s. From memory an old guy with whitish grey hair I think is the leader/owner and he would mainly wear suits and all the fighters fight to the death with weapons or barefists. Originally I thought it was American Samurai was what I thought it was however, it's not that nor shootfighter or blood match. I do remember one scene where once the fighter was dead they get thrown down a drain... or some sort of manhole in the pit. Some of the fighters use weapons. Another scene was the old owner getting oral sex from a female in a limo. I am 95% sure to from memory the main villain was a asian or white guy with long black hair and a big dude with a fu man chu facial hair. The movie was very gritty and violent and im pretty sure there was a gong that would sound off between fights. Oh man it was such a good fight movie, I would appreciate any help or anyone who knows the name of it! I've tried so many different searches and looked at so many movie titles but I just can't find it! Would love the help!

Thank you guys.

7 Messages


150 Points

1 year ago

Unfortunately no it's not deathmatch 1994 either

123 Messages


1.5K Points

Can you recall some other details - was cast primarily just regular actors from Holywood, Asian actors, etc. Low budget or a high-end production? Was it contemporary to time released (e.g. made and set in 1980s). Was it in English or any other language? Was the violence graphic R-rated or PGish? Do you recall the make and model of any vehicles and - any specific real songs used on the soundtrack (or was it just instrumental)?

7 Messages


150 Points

@cinefyl​ Thank you so much for the response! It was not really anything like a massive hit movie or show. I don't recall it having huge actors in it either, but there again I was young at the time when I saw it so i may be wrong. It came on at like 12am around midnight when I was kid on late night Australian TV around id say between 2000 to 2005. The music sounded to me instrumental with Asian and combat tones to it. It had a very dark atmosphere. Almost like Mortal Kombat but more believable. There were a lot of fight scenes and all the fight scenes ended with a death. No KOs or tapouts. All the fighters would kill each other and advance on to thr next fight in the tournament. I distinctly remember one part of the movie where a dead fighter was thrown down a drain or a like a hole when he was killed in the arena. The hole was then covered as the next fighter came into the arena or pit. The killed fighter was wearing almost like a gladiator type of attire with a helmet I think. It would have to be definitely a rated R movie most likely due to the violence and decapitation of some of the fighters. I do remember it being a 90s or 80s type of setting or movie to. I'm sure one of the champion of the tournament or main killer/villain was potentially an Asian man with long black hair, either out or in a ponytail. He would wear like this black coat or a black singlet. Was very built. There was also a hero in the film that was the main character and he was after to win the tournament and the main villain. Weapons I saw were anything to martial arts swords or even medieval axes. I'm sure the main villain also had a blade in hidden inside his black hair. I think he had a Fu Man Chu facial hair to. There would have been Asian and American actors in it. The only other thing I truly remember. Is the old guy in the grey or black suit, with greyish hair and a goatee. Getting head from a hooker in his limo as its driving down the street or road. Please let me know if I can give you anything more? I've been trying to find this film for many years since I was a teen. There's only one other person I know who I met on reddit who remembers it and he cannot even remember the name of it. It may have also been a snuff based type of film story base where the owner was hosting illegal fights. 


2 Messages


72 Points

10 months ago

I know this movie! It’s dark and most scenes are sort of tinted blue/like underground/foggy. I think there was a pair of fighters that may have been brothers. One (brown hair) gets decapitated and the other (blonde) avenges him through the tournament. I’m hoping it’s the same movie because I’ve been hunting for it as well. Probably 1999 Cinemax.

2 Messages


72 Points

10 months ago

Got it. 
Firepower from 1993.

Whole movie is on YouTube. Just watched the decapitation scene for the first time in 30 years.

7 Messages


150 Points

@Tk1416​ Hey man. Thanks for the comment! I do not believe it's this film though. I don't think Firepower has a fighter with a blade in his braid or ponytail. There are about 15 plus of us now in the hunt for this film. We have made a new reddit post about it with new confirmed details. Can I link it to you and can you confirm if you recognise it or not?

7 Messages


150 Points


This is the updated details of the film we are searching for ^^^ the key Is the fighter with the blades on his braid or hair.