6 Messages
140 Points
Please help me to find
He is going war (don't remember war) and dies in war. The neighbor is comforting the man's fiancee. The man has an adrian brand motorcycle. Woman and man get married after a while. Apparently the man did not die in war. When he comes back he sees that his fiancee married his friend. Woman does not go back to her ex-fiancee. The man also never gets married again and works as a pastor in the town.
6 Messages
140 Points
2 years ago
Hi Everyone. If ı found ı will be relief. He is going war (don't remember war) and dies in war. The neighbor is comforting the man's fiancee. The man has an adrian brand motorcycle. Woman and man get married after a while. Apparently the man did not die in war. When he comes back he sees that his fiancee married his friend. Woman does not go back to her ex-fiancee. The man also never gets married again and works as a father (priest) in the town.
The movie begins by telling the grandmother for her granddaugter.
Movie language is english
There are movie costumes of old times. so it tells the old time.