6 Messages


122 Points

Saturday, March 4th, 2023 9:08 PM



Please help! Movie about a priest/pastor or religious man who hears the voice of god telling him to kill his son or the world will end

If anyone can help I’d be so grateful. I’m sure I watched this film on a major streaming platform, so I am super confused that despite hours of searching I cannot find it anywhere online. 

So this film must be an obscure one, but I remember a LOT of details since this film really stuck with me.

it is essentially a modern retelling of Abraham and Isaac. A man (I thought a priest or pastor) has his first child. He then hears the voice of god telling him to kill his child or the world will end. He is given a deadline. He is experiencing massive grief and conflict as he doesn’t believe god would ask this of him, but equally he believes in god so feels this could be real. He talks to someone above him at the church who agrees that god would never ask that of him and suggests he sees a dr. The movie is quite slow and from my memory there’s basically him spiralling for the rest of the film until the end. He doesn’t kill the child and the deadline passes. The ending is ambiguous, with a blackout occurring outside.

It’s not frailty of seventh sign. It’s not gritty or dark, it’s mostly set in a clean light toned house. For some reason I think they also live by the sea? 

I for some reason was certain the title was Noah or another biblical boys name, but that hasn’t brought up anything.

Thank you if you are able to help.

1.7K Messages


22.9K Points

2 years ago

Do you remember when did you watch it?

6 Messages


122 Points

@mbmb​ I think I watched it around 2013-2017 I know that’s a big window but it’s hard to remember exactly. 

17 Messages


240 Points

2 years ago

First thing that came to mind was Frailty 

6 Messages


122 Points

@fullinstall​ sorry, as mentioned in the post it’s not frailty

122 Messages


1.5K Points

2 years ago

Had a few questions to help narrow down...

  1. Was this in English (spoken) or non-English with subtitles/captions?
  2. What is modern/present day or set in the past?
  3. You mention a priest/religious man...I assume more of a religious man as in most cases a priest would not father children (unless they were a specific denomination in the Protestant church or some Catholic churches)?
  4. Did any of the actors look/seem familiar or that they had been in other mainstream films?
  5. Do you think this was made for streaming (like a Netflix original), or was it originally a theatrical release?

6 Messages


122 Points


thank you for your reply.

It was in English 

Set in modern day 

if he was a priest or pastor, he was more of a modern day one where the church was lax and he had a wife. He definitely could have just been a devout Christian though. Whatever the church was, they were extremely progressive because even they agreed he likely wasn’t hearing the voice of God.

i didn’t recognise any of the actors, the leas couple was white, and basically average attractiveness. Sorry I know that’s very unhelpful.

I think it could have possibly been made for a steaming platform, it definitely had that feel to it. I’m quite sure I would have watched it on Netflix, because around the time I watched it, that was the only streaming platform I had. 

thank you very much again

6 Messages


122 Points

2 years ago

Hello all!! Reddit solved this for me! It’s The Binding! 

there were a lot of details I was misremembering, which I apologise for. And thank you to everyone who commented and tried to figure it out. 

thank you thank you thank you!!!

122 Messages


1.5K Points

2 years ago

So glad you found it - do you recommend the film as a must-watch?

6 Messages


122 Points

@cinefyl​ I’ll have to rewatch it haha. All I can say is, it really stuck with me. I literally think about this movie on a weekly basis, at minimum since I watched it all those years ago. It never occurred to me to look it up because the plot was so simple I figured it would be easy to find when I felt like rewatching it. 

but perhaps after rewatching it I’ll prefer my memory over the actual film 😂