1 Message
70 Points
scifi/erotic(?) movie title
I remember i took video tape from sci-fi/action section but it was embarrassing to watch it in my 9-10 years old with my grandma because of some "making love" scenes, so i remember only cuts.
I remember some "Cyborg" film setting with rural ruins, some journey of a rescue team and some bald evil doctor who implanted some chip in female cyborg protagonist, so when she got orgasm, so did he.
The main twist was in the end when the male protagonist also was seduced to implant that chip and so Dr evil get double orgasm of two of them making love.
It was shot in 90s i guess.
158 Messages
2K Points
2 years ago
Perhaps this is either the original Olivier Gruner cyborg film NEMESIS (1992) or one of its many sequels. See https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0107668/reference/. Grubby post-apocalyptic ruins abound, with male & female cyborgs.