15 Messages
230 Points
Teenage movie from 90's
I remember only vert short & foggy scene from movie from 90's. I saw it at least 20 years ago and I'm sure that is made in USA.
My foggy memory is American singer. He has a short hair and he wears a dark sunglasses. He is a singer standing on the stage and he sings very good song. It's specific lyrics are "No! No! No! No! (twice). There were at least two verses and chorus. I remember that crowd of young teenagers dances in a music club. The song is very similar (at least chorus) to Paul Johnson - Get Get Down.
Other possible clues: it is very unpopular song (because I listen this track only once in my life) it sounds like "The Plimsouls" music band.
21 Messages
344 Points
1 year ago
im thinking Eurotrip's "Scotty doesnt know" but probably not. i only thought that cuzof the no no no but that was outside. i also thought it could me spydergames from Mtv which was in a nightclub. the song was "everybodys dream". sorry if ur song is neither. good luck!